
What breeds do well in endurance races?

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I'm getting increasingly interested. I love Appaloosas, would that breed do well in this type of race? If not, what are some others besides Arabs?




  1. If you do not want an arab you could try an arab cross.  Also as I said earlier in your other question...MFT's (Missouri Fox Trotters) are becoming more popular with their easier gait and at least one person I know swears she out rides the arabs on them (kind of doubt it though at least not in the big races).  My opinion of MFT's is that they should actually do better at competitive trail than actual endurance racing, but as I said they are becoming more and more popular, according to the endurance rider I spoke to this summer.

    Appy's are hardy and many will go until they drop but that isn't enough.  A good endurance horse needs to be built like a long distance runner.  Long and lean not short and stocky.

    I will say that other endurance riders have been quite clear over the years that conditioning means more than breed.

  2. I used to say Arabs, but having loaned an Akhal-Teke and ridden a few more i would definately say Akhal-Teke!! They not only look beautiful but they have the most wonderful paces. They can be difficult to ride because you cant order them around, i know this next bit might sound stupid! but, you have to ask them. Once you've bonded with them they will do anything for you, even if it's nearly impossible. They make great long distance horses and their heart rate is low. My mother-in-law had an Anglo-Teke and the vet had to redo the heart rate after one event because they couldn't believe it had come down so low so quick. They can be a bit pricey but they are worth every penny.

  3. Arabians, MORGANS and QH

  4. Appaloosas are the very good all around horse.  And due to the fact they are a color breed, they can be mixed with Arab,Quarter horse or almost any other breed. Just look for on with the qualities you want in an endurance horse

  5. Arabs, mustangs and appys can all do well in endurance. Of course, Arabs are the most preferred, and an arab cross can do it too.

  6. I do not compete in endurance races myself but I have sold a great number of appaloosas to one gentleman who endurance races for a living and he will only compete with that specific breed. The commonly used and known breed for endurance racing is the Arabian as they are very sure footed, high energy for extended periods of time and extremely hearty. However I would have to say the appaloosas are very sure footed and hearty as well and can go very long distances at a very good pace. The man I've sold to in the past won at all his races with the appaloosas I sold him, even against Arabians.  With the proper conditioning and good confirmation you should have no problem competing with a appaloosa! Either way I'm sure you will show them what your made of! :)  Good Luck!

  7. Arabs pass the tests you have to pass to stay in the competition.  They are designed for it.  No, appaloosas are not a good choice if you want to enter endurance races since they are not designed for it.  Sorry.

  8. Besides Arabians which dominate in Endurance,  Araloosas and some of the foundation Appaloosa lines are well suited.  I know of at least two Appaloosa breeders that specialize in endurance and compete successfully with the Arabs.- CAB Apps and New Promise Farm.

    Remember that the Nez Perce tribe rode the same horses over 1700 miles while being chased by the Army that needed fresh remounts to keep up.

  9. I competed in endurance for 30 years.  Arabians and half-Arabians do best.  If you like Appaloosas, try an "Araloosa", a cross between an Arabian and an Appaloosa.  You can find them online on the Arabian Horse Association website under "marketplace", on or  Good luck!

  10. Sorry to tell you but the best breed is an arab and I'm not saying that cause I like the breed(cause I honestly dont) but all my friends who do endurence sware by the breed and will never switch back

  11. Arabians & Mustangs are the ones that do the best usually.

  12. sorry, but I would have to say an arab.

  13. Any breed that is light, and does NOT have a lot of muscle.

    Arabs might be good. A quarter horse type might have a hard time.

    Although, I have seen mules at an endurance ride, and they were amazing!

  14. Thoroughbreds =)

  15. thoroughbreds are bad for endurance.

    thats only because they are bred for running very fast over a short distance.

    arabians are the best.

    the second best would be the mustang.

    then the third i would say would be a paint horse because paints have a lot of mustang blood in them

  16. I don't like them, but Arabs.

  17. arabians are good....appaloosas have been bred out from their originally hardy indian state and are no longer endurance capable

    but personally, i think akhal tekes are the better of the two, they can survive on very very little food, are a bit slower than thoroughbreds but still fast and better over long distances, and have been raised in the harsh deserts of the middle east and former soviet theyre lightweight and lean but still strong

    in fact, akhal tekes were taken on a trek through the desert over 84 days with hardly any water and thrived


  19. akhal teke's and arab arabian

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