
What brings happiness to your world?

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We all search for happiness in our lives, but what defines "happiness" is different for each one of us. What brings you happiness?




  1. Happiness, for me is being with my husband, just the two of us together talking and just being.  

  2. There is nothing that brings happiness in my life.  I have happiness on the inside. It has always been there, but for a very long time I buried it with my negativity and stress.  I found it once again... and I realize that I was looking for happiness in a spouse, and in materialistic objects.... but this is not how it works.  We cannot place our happiness in anyone or anything outside of ourselves. If we do, we give over some control in our lives, and if someone else has this control, they also manipulate, and take away your self confidence.  

    So, I already have happiness on the inside, which has changed my life and attitude for each day. I wake up in a great mood, and I now seek more self growth, because I sense so much potential.  

    But if you are asking what enhances my happiness that I already have??  That would be my dogs.  They are so wonderful, they love unconditionally, and just want my undivided attention.   It is also so sweet when they come up and want to cuddle next to me while I watch tv.  They do bring me so much joy.  

    Thanks for reading!

  3. ...the love of my wife...thanks for asking...

  4. A good book, a game of Scrabble, conversations with friends, an e-mail or phone call from a loved one.  Petting and listening to the purr of my cats.  A hot shower.  A good meal.  So  many things.  Little things.

  5. Sometimes just getting through the day is happiness for me. Sometimes I'm slowly falling apart. But true happiness for me...just being able to be here.  

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