
What bugs you?

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Like...Something that bothers you. Im trying to invent something for school. =] Thanks.




  1. bugs, naggers, people who talk behind other peeps backs, my parents, snakes, scorpions, barking dogs that wont stop and hey arent yours.

  2. Ha Kyle, that was one of my favorites also, and she asked it 3 times.

    I liked "Can you chew sunlight?"

    But what really bugs me is the repeated questions about bottle rockets, egg drops, toothpick bridges, and mousetrap cars. Over and over again.

    And don't forget "doze" "u" "plz" ......

  3. people who type LiiK3 DiiSZ =)

    & two faced people (: & UGLY SHOOOES

    i cannot stand ugly shoes on a guy. ew..

  4. Laziness.

    There are so many ways to be lazy and it hurts us all.

  5. As mentioned before, laziness....especially on venues like Yahoo! Answers. Someone asks a question that I can find the answer in two seconds Googling. What I don't understand is how it is any more difficult to search for it, themselves. Sure, some things are difficult to find on Google...but when someone asks a question like "How is babby formed? How is girl get pregnent?"....please lol.
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