
What bumper sticker immediately sets off your "Asshat alert"?

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What bumper sticker immediately sets off your "Asshat alert"?




  1. "My kid beat up your honor student"

    They probably have a mullet too.

  2. none just not important enough to worry about

  3. Clinton for president     ( please if she gets in we will be worse than Canada

  4. "My kid is an honor student at _____ school."

    "My kid beat up your honor student."

    Basically, "my kid" bumper stickers always set off the alert.

    Oh, let's not forget the bumper stick on a piece of junk that says "My other car is a Mercedes." Yeah, right.

  5. W  '04

  6. Vote for Clinton

  7. baby on board

  8. "W" stickers still stuck on kia sportages and beat up cavaliers [you expect it on euro-trash like v.w., bmw, mercedes] by now you would think people would be to embarrassed to admit they ever supported, let alone voted for pRESIDENT EVIL.

    however the best one i ever saw said "MY KID IS AN HONER STUDENT AT A STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY"

  9. My Kid is an Honor Student

    & My President is an Idoit

  10. what is an asshat

  11. Any slogan that denigrates another person or contains an expletive causes me to wonder about the owner.

  12. Don't care to read ambles or canvasses. I listen to the radio. Don't give a *^#% about what i see or read on bumper stickers.

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