
What bus are you getting on?

by  |  earlier

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Two buses pulled up, one was clean and comfortable with plenty of room, the other was dirty and over crowed with people behaving very badly.

You were directed to what bus you could board. No one knew what was going on until the buses pulled off.

One bus was called "To h**l" and the other was called " To Heaven".

Which one you think you will be boarding and why?




  1. Well I would probably get on the crowded bus to Heaven, even though they are behaving badly The Lord wouldn't turn them away. The nicer bus that is going to h**l it is too full of pride and selfishness which in The Lord's eye is wrong.  

  2. Well I don't believe in religion, I can be pretty rude to annoying people, I'm bi, and I'm loving it...looks like it's h**l for me :)

  3. I would get on the bus that said to Heaven.  

  4. One way trip to h**l :)

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