
What bus lines/routes do i need to take for me to get to cypress, living in rowland heights CA?

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What bus lines/routes do i need to take for me to get to cypress, living in rowland heights CA?




  1. Look on Foothill Transportation's website, you could probably give them a call as well, I'm sure they can help you route out the trip.

  2. You're better of asking the bus company. Try going to greyhound. com

  3. well we shall assume you are starting at Puente Hills Mall

    (since you didn't say where in Rowland Heights you where starting from)

    and are departing around 10:00am

    and your destination is cypress college (since you didn't

    state a destination in your question)

    first you can board a Foothill Bus Line 284 at 10:49am

    pay this driver $1.00 take this bus to La Habra and Beach arrives there 11:34am then board a OCTA line 29 at 11:46

    pay this bus operator $1.25 take this bus to stat on/Beach

    arrs there  at 12:17pm then transfer to OCTA Line 42a

    departing at 12:20pm arrives Cypress collage at 12:30pm

    pay this operator another $1.25

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