
What bussines can i start with 1000US$?

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What bussines can i start with 1000US$?




  1. There are a lot of opportunities out there to be able to start a business for half that amount of money.  I suggest looking into home based businesses.  Most home based businesses cost under $500 to start up.  Some cost more but primarily they're under $500.  They have the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.

    Look into Child Daycare Centers, Telecommunications, Travel etc etc.

    Here's a really good yahoo blog that I read that has several different industries to look into.  A lot of information about home based businesses and where to go etc.

  2. I don't know how old are you and what are your priorities to indulge in business and on which particular line you are trying to head on. With 1000US$ you can start anything at small level and can grow if you have the potential to market the things. Because business means buying and selling. You can buy anything easily but to sell it to others is a difficult job. So If you have capability to sell, the ways can be found to help you out.

  3. ebay, p**n, or local lawn care worker.

  4. Start an online store with ads and affiliates , Do some SEO

  5. I have been running my freelance academic writing account for over a year and desire to sell it.

    Start your home business in writing on any subject as a freelance writer and earn in dollars every month.

  6. Hello SAS G,

    I have started my own business with 300US dollars. You can do the same! Well I think the first question is what do you like to do? What are your passions, hobbies and interests? Are you very knowledgeable about something or willing to do research on something that interests you? Do you want a web-business that puts you out to millions or a local shop that needs more exposure. Do you have the money and finances that it would require to open doors to a shop? Or would you rather spend a few hundred dollars and build a lifetime with a web business? It is all up to you!

    There is a great program called SBI that has really made my business decisions clear and helped me build my website and business. If you would like more information about SBI, just contact me and i would be happy to send you some. You can contact me through my profile.

    Good Luck, I hope that I have helped you out a little!


  7. A professional lemonade stand.

  8. Retail.

  9. Health and wellness industry, please contact me for more information, I doing a business for have the cost, and will be making 4k a week by December 2008, I can show you how.

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