
What bylaws could my municipal government enact to help conserve water?

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I need some ideas. The only thing I can think of is restricted sprinkler usage times. Thanks :)




  1. If the city sells the water, they could simply raise prices.  That would be the "free market" way.  

    If they want to give poor people a break, or suppose everyone *needs* water, regardless of how much money they have, they might discount the first 1,000 gallons, or whatever.

    Sometimes pipes leak.  They might enact a requirement for the city engineer or auditor to periodically determine how much water is getting to meters versus how much is leaving the water supply.

  2. If you really want to do it then do it right.

    Close ALL car washes.

    Ban All washing of Cars at home

    Ban all swimming pools private and public

    Close any activity that uses water,  such as water slides, water parks.

    stop ALL watering of public grass, such as parks, ball fields, lawns at schools etc

    Changing a shower head, just makes you stay LONGER in the shower, that in the long run uses more water.

    So what are YOU willing to do without?

    Ban serving a 'glass of water' at all restaurant

    I mean if you want to 'conserve' then do so, don't beat around the bush and pretend to

  3. Laws generally get people upset and don't help as much as education. Remember the adage that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If you create a booklet that can be sent out with the water (or sewer) bill, you can point out ways to save money by using less, at a time when the residents will be annoyed by their high bills.

  4. Some bylaws could be: people must have low flow shower-heads.  They also must have low flow toilets.  In a household of 4 people or fewer the monthly water usage can be no more than (I don't know what that would be but you get what I'm saying)

  5. fines are very effective; if you hit a person in the wallet, they'll think twice about breaking the laws

    also, if the leaders are serious about water conservation, they could vote to turn off the water of serious violators

  6. You can't really make these laws people have suggested because how/if they will be enforced.

    Your city is not going to go into everyones house to make sure they have a low flow shower/sink head or dual flush toilet.  They can't enforce banning washing cars at home for the same reason.

    like oikos suggested, a flier can be used to bring water conservation to the residents attention.

    Capture rain water, use plants that have a low water tolerance in landscaping so you don't' have to water them, Have a gray water system installed into public buildings where it recycles the water from the sinks into the toilets and urinals.

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