
What cage should I get for my guinea pigs?

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I am thinking of getting two guinea pigs. I live in a small apartment and I was thinking of using this cage:

Is it ok what do you suggest????

Please answer!!!!!




  1. that should be fine, but if i were you i would go to petsmat and get the cage: "my first home-guinea pigs" its ALOT  cheaper and that is exactly what i have for my 2 guinea pigs. also, it comes with some stuff to get you started too! (petco is fine for the my first home cage but when i went to both stores, pet co was $20 MORE than the petsmart cage. and yes it was the same EXACT CAGE!!!!! the same size, brand, box and everything!) hope i helped!!! and good luck with your new pet! ; )

  2. if it has a wire-like bottom, no.

    otherwise, I would say that it's a fine cage to get

  3. That look like a great cage for a guinea pig. I've had 3 and they really like to run around and play so that would be perfect. And for feeding you should get a bowl that will attach to the inside of the cage.

  4. in my opinion in would be to small unless you get one guinea pig

  5. That cage is much too small for a guinea pig let alone two.

    Make your own C&C-it is the best choice.

    The correct size for a cage that holds two guinea pigs is 10.5 sq feet (30" x 50").

    The cage you selected is also much too pricey. You can make a C&C three times the size for about $30.

    "Pet store-sized cages are glorified litter boxes."

    "Exercise and exploration space are very important for their long-term health and happiness. Cavies need enough room to do "full-tilt laps."

    Go to for info. on how to make a C&C and where to get the supplies.

    Good Luck :)

  6. I have a guinea pig myself, and i did about a year's worth of research before i actually got my guinea pig. And what i learned is that the cages you buy don't have enough room for a guinea pig,let alone two guinea pigs, to run around in. I suggest you do more research and look up how to make your own cage. Trust me, it's WAY cheaper and you can make it as big or as small as you want

  7. get one from there like 40 or 50 dollars for a big cage its a good websites i got one

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