
What came first, the chicken or the egg?

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What came first, the chicken or the egg?




  1. Chicken...NO...Egg...NO...WAIT...Chicken... I Don't KNOW!!!

  2. the egg

  3. If, for the moment, we assume evoloutionary theory correct, then I'd have to say the chicken.

    Let us say there was an evoloutionary parent to the chicken, called a "Bicken". Now, we would only find out that a Bicken has become what we call a Chicken once it has grown up and matured when we can see that it cannot mate with any other Bickens (the definition for all new species). So, in all practical and taxonomological purposes the Chicken comes first (because it has to be old enough to be idenitified as one)...

    Of couse, genetically, the egg will not change which means that it is still, in an objective sense, a chicken even if no-one knows it yet...

  4. the chicken in the egg, duh!

  5. I would say the chicken because God made all the animals first and than the chicken mated and layed an egg with a baby chicken inside.  

  6. the egg, because the chicken had to come from somewhere... wait, no... the chicken, because the egg had to come from somewhere... wait, no... both came at the same time, because the chicken came first but it was pregnant!!!

  7. goo in a pond... primordial ooze...


    Looks prettyyy legit.  

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