
What came first? The chicken or the egg?

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I think it's the chicken, because if the egg came first you only have one chicken. You need more than one chicken if you're going to get more, and seeing as we have millions of chickens that is impossible. But if the chicken came first and the chicken was pregnant and had an egg it could mate with THAT chicken.




  1. I would assume the egg, since the first chicken evolved from something, meaning the change occurred in conception of a different species.  Therefore, the egg that held the change that resulted in the chicken came first...maybe

  2. You're absolutely correct, and in your few words have proved evolution wrong!

  3. I would guess the egg. The first single celled organisms evolved into something with the characteristics of the modern chicken, but that evolved organism would have had to have been laid as an egg and existed as an embryo.

  4. I think that this question came before both.

  5. Does it matter? Both could be eaten. Anyway, if I say, "I think..." Then that's just what I thought -- not the fact about it. When I was born, chickens and eggs were already here. When I asked my parents, they also answered the same way that I did. And when my parents asked their parents, they also got the same answer. And the rest are history. Even books offered no answers. There are just intellectual presumptions akin to something like punching the moon. Just be content that chickens and eggs are here. It will be more satisfying to ask about the next delicious recipe.

  6. Birds came first as God has created them, then birds have bred and their descendants have evolved and so on until it came to chicken as one of the species, then chicken lay eggs. Now the chain of its evolution has kind of destorted by human as they are most served in fast food restaurant.  

  7. this is all opinion/speculation. but from my knowledge of physics and evolution I believe the egg came first.. it is likely that there was a species very similar to them that evolved into chickens.  Also it's a really easy answer if you think about it.. which came first a baby or an adult? the first chicken didn't just pop into existence... obviously it had to grow into that chicken from a hatchling.

    By the way... there could be 2 eggs... and chickens don't know what incest that could be another way to have "more than one chicken if you're going to get more".. to answer the other part of your question

  8. egg, because dinosaurs layed them, and the chicken is fairly modern...

  9. the egg came first, because (talking evolution) before the thing called a chicken because a chicken, it was hatched out of an egg by something that was close to but not quite a chicken. Also unless you are talking specifically about a chicken egg, the egg was around a long time before chickens.

    I think its meant to be one of those no answer questions though.

  10. The Tony came first.  

  11. Chickens.

    where would an egg come from?

    Eggs cant evolve, chickens can.

  12. The chicken came first.

    Its called evolution. Apparently.

    [Lol, i dont believe in evolution. AND im not religious]

  13. chicken

  14. The chicken, evolved from a dinosaur-like creature (oops, which laid eggs!!) Back to square one.

    Of course, eggs are an evolved process and the first lifeforms didn't lay eggs. So lifeforms pre-date eggs. But the Chicken and egg are bound to one another.

  15. Im going to be different and say the egg came first because.. If two species had s*x they would make offspring that has both features of its parents so if a bird creature thing had s*x with a different bird creature thing and two offspring was made .. the offspring could be a chicken and it came from a egg however the chicken didnt come first as its parents were two different species.. If anyone understand my wavelength lol :) xx

  16. Seems to me that, over the process of thousands of years, they evolved into what they are today from many asexual organisms. Meaning that more than one came out at a time in a given location where the physical pros of a chicken were most prevalent. That generation laid their eggs, and the rest is history.

  17. LOL!

    Definitely the chicken. If you believe in God or any super form creator of the universe and everything in it... then you believe that he put a man and a woman on earth, not babies... not embryos... so he/she/it must have done the same thing with animals and plants... put them here with the capacity to reproduce.

    If you believe in evolution then little things became bigger things and at some point one of those things was the chicken and not the egg.

    So there you have it... I agree with you... the chicken it is.

    Now... more importantly... who came up and said: "whatever comes out of the chickens' butt I shall eat?" now that beats me!

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