
What came first? The egg or the chicken? How?

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My science teacher asked us to tell him the question that we thought was the biggest mystery of all time. I put who killed Jon Benea Ramsey. But this other guy read his and said, "which came first the chicken or the egg?" Not even my science teacher new and i was wondering which came first and how? You have to have an egg to have a chicken and a chicken to have an egg. I don;t get it!!!!!




  1. I would say the chicken.  Because in order for the egg to make it, it would have to have a chicken sit on it and incubate it.

  2. Neither, they are just part of our imaginations.

    And it wouldn't be the egg because they would have cracked when God put them on earth.

  3. The single celled organism came first.  Then flagellates.  Then complex microorganisms.  Eventually ,through millions of years of evolution came the dinosaur.  The dinosaur evolved into a bird.  The bird evolved into a chicken.    

  4. well if ur a christian, god created a chicken who laid an egg creating another chicken, so on and so fourth

  5. a t rex had a baby with a taradactal and they had an egg then the egg was hatched and there comes the chicken so the egg came first

  6. The order of creation in the world has Adults of most if not all species 1st.......Then the Adults do the procreation thing and THEN comes the egg and THEN the baby of that species.

    How many babies do you see attending to adults' needs?

    Your science teacher is a complete idiot.

  7. I say the chicken. :D

  8. It is unknown for a simple reason. One of two things happened:

    1) An embryo of a species began to develop to it's surroundings, gaining a harder shell and the ability to safely develop. In this case, the egg came first.

    2) A living creature began to evolve to the point where it laid eggs instead of giving live birth. In this case, the chicken.

    The reason we don't know the answer is because both are possibilities, dependent entirely on which of the two evolved. We don't know because we weren't there.

  9. the tyrannosauruses came first...

    its a trick question, chickens evolved from the T-rex so once evolution took place, the chicken layed eggs and so on from there...

  10. I know exactly how you feel. my teacher asks us what is reality?

    its like... WHAT IS LIFE?


    just make an educated guess.

  11. The egg. Here's my theory! No proof lol, no one has the answer to this question hon.

    Over many many years of evolutions, birds would breed and evolve. Eventually two birds similar to the chicken mated and had an egg. The egg hatched to be a chicken when their genes/DNA combined.


  12. 1.well, a circle has no beginning..

    it means a cycle [represented by a circle] has no beginning..

    2.i am a Catholic and I also believe the story of God's creation..

    final verdict:i believe both but the 1st one is more convincing to me..

  13. Eggs evolved far earlier than birds.  Dinosaurs laid eggs.

  14. Well, I know my answer is totally from the 7th Harry Potter book, but it's totally true; "One could not start without the other. They're in a never ending circle," or something like that... So I say both came at the same time. But what about the roster? Hmmmm...

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