
What came first the chicken , or the egg?

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What came first the chicken , or the egg?




  1. nothing, well the chicken, as some sort of dinosaur evolved into the chicken actually, the egg. becasue the dinosaur evolved everytime it was reborn therefore the chicken we know today evolve from another breed of dinosaur.

    so the egg came first. wow i should be a scientist :D xx

  2. Definetly the Chicken.  It was during the time that the chicken was working at  the Cozy Kitchen Cafe as a cook, frying Chicken Fried Steaks, that it got ...what ever chickens get when they are ready to lay eggs, and it laid an egg.   Just as I just did.  

  3. The chicken

  4. the chicken

    just like there was adam and eve to start mankind

    the chicken started chickenkind lol

  5. The chicken, because the egg couldn't survive without the chicken to sit on it..

  6. Lets just say they dropped from the sky at the same time.

    help me..;...

  7. well actually nothing. if the chicken came first, then the chicken would have to come fromt the egg. if the eg came first, tehn a chicken would have to lay the egg. i hope this gets best answer!

  8. The egg

  9. chicken cause like the big bang made it that way or soemthing like that -_-

  10. The egg, since Dinosaurs laid eggs long before there were chickens :D lol

  11. The Chicken. How can there be an egg without there being a chicken?

  12. chiken cuz then nothing could keep the egg warm if that came first

  13. the egg.

    it was deformed, and it became some what of a chicken.

  14. the egg must've been created first and chickens were made to lay them.

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