
What came first the human or the womb?

by Guest67122  |  earlier

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Human as in modern Homo sapien.




  1. Clearly the womb. In an evolutionary stand point the non Homo Sapiens had a womb where the first genetic traits for anatomically modern human to appear while on the creationist stand points animals with wombs are almost always created before man.

  2. the womb because we all come come single celled life forms

  3. From a biological viewpoint the human came first.  Here's why:  When you ask this question, you have to determine what characteristics make a human.  At one point in time there were a mother and a father who copulated and created an offspring which was genetically similar to it's parents in many ways, but distinctly different than them in other ways.  Some of these ways due to the genetic mutations which take place at the point of conception made him/her distinctly different from the parents and also made him/her distinctly human according to your criteria, whatever they are.  Regardless of what you say determines that we are human, this is what happened to create us.  The parents were genetically different, and not human(though close).  That is why the human came first, and not the womb.  The Egg came before the chicken for the same reason, but you said womb, not egg.

  4. obviously the womb humans are not the only animal with wombs

  5. Womb by a long ways, even it you believe the bible there were other mammals before humans.

  6. which one came first...the chicken or the egg???

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