
What came first the man or the child?

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What came first the man or the child?




  1. ok make them do s*x and see who comes first....

  2. kennedy!!!!!!

  3. The monkeys we evolved from lol x

  4. The man.  God made man, children came later.

  5. if you are pregnant the child came first and then marrige-> the man came after... LOL, this is a joke answer

  6. man

  7. It's obvious - it's the man, because the man has to come before the child can be made!

  8. the chicken  

  9. This is like a crappy version of the chicken and the

  10. the man - he has to "come" in order to get the child!

  11. God's first try 'MAN'  God's improved creation 'WOMAN' then came 's*x' and then came the 'CHILD'!!!.

  12. Ask The Chicken and The Egg

  13. man you have to wait for puberty

  14. dude its like a version of the egg and chicken

    god made the man first so its the man

  15. we like evolved from

  16. If you believe the bible then man but many others have a different view of things.  

  17. The man came first.

  18. neither, man evolved from apes.  

  19. mmm, tricky one, child

  20. Child because you needed a woman before you could have a man.

    The woman had a child and that child grew into a man.

  21. Usually I'd say it would be the child.

    Unless the man is Gary Glitter, in which case the man came first :P

  22. the man because the child could also mean a girl

  23. the man of course men always come first

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