
What cameras are good for catching movement?

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I have been looking around for a while now a camera that will catch moving objects.

Like my nieces running around. I also ride horses, so i would like to have something that will catch, faster movements like cantering, or jumping. and won't cost me over $350.

I was looking into buying the Panasonic Lumix 8.1-Megapixel Digital Camera. But a lot of people were complaining that their pictures were coming out to blurry.

If anyone could let me know, I would really appreciate your help!




  1. You need one that allows you to control the shutter speed. Sounds like you want to freeze movement, so you'll want to use a fast shutter speed, such as 1/250 or 1/500. I suggest you look into getting the Canon S5 or G9.

  2. i could go all into shutter speed and apertures but it would be pointless if you don't know how to use a manual camera. you should go to the nearest store and tell them you want a standard or advanced camera that catches movement, tell them what your going to use the camera for and they will give you the best advice.

    allot of people complain about blurry pictures because they don't know how to take the picture. Didi cameras have to have time to focus, you cant always just point and click especially if the thing your taking a pic of is moving.

    the camera you are looking into getting seems okay, i would personally never go for anything other than a canon (i have never had any problems with them and when i majored in photography that is what we always used.) make sure your camera has an image stabilizer otherwise your picture will always be blurry unless your using a tripod.

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