
What campaigns are you planning on joining or are already members of?

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eg. Free Tibet Campaign, Make Poverty History




  1. donated to obama and the aclu

  2. I should get involved in an organized group, but I haven't yet. However, I am disciplined and thoughtful when it comes to my intentions, motivations, actions and generosity. I am super-passionate about living as cleanly as possible. (rode a bike for more than 2 years, am freakishly anal about recycling everything, take care in regards to water use and waste,)

    But I belong to no green organizations. I spent every Sat. For the 1st 5 months of 08' feeding and spending time with homeless people, we went with hot strong coffee, breakfast, ciggs, socks, mittens, blankets, anything we could thinkof. But we were not affiliated with a larger program or public service.

    Financially, I've donated to Amnesty Int'l, PBS and NPR, and a small amt to Obama, but I think this is least I could've done.

    Contributing time, experience or money to the point of sacrifice is when real reward becomes possible.

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