
What can't chickens eat?

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my boyfriend's just got some+wondering if they're allergic to anything

thanks people




  1. they will eat most things....even other chickens....

  2. They can eat, I believe they are allergic to stuffing.

  3. Anything that's bigger than a football

  4. they can't eat



    and some plants and flowers!

    Things they can eat

    * fruit (eg apples, watermelons)

    Vegetables (eg cabbages, lettuce etc)

    bits of bread now and again

    also bits of protein (cheese, chicken in SMALL quantities and RARELY)

    also yogurt is very good for them and they LOVE it (mine espescially do :D)

    but they must have grit, a chicken fed and water avaiable 24/7.

    also cereals (non-sugary)

  5. Spacemonkeys ?

  6. My chickens eat their own food during the morning and then when I get home from work I give them either grapes which they love and also they adore cooked spaghetti or pasta, they also love raisins and sweetcorn and certainly love peas. Good luck to your boyfriend. they are lovely creatures and great fun.x Oh yes I forgot they love lettuce as well.x

  7. Um, why are you trying to varie there diet? If so chickens like pasta, berries, nuts and any bugs they can find in your garden.  

  8. Found some infos here, hope it's helpful:

    Feed your hens fresh grain or pellets. Grain in the form of wheat is a good diet but more protein and minerals are needed for optimal egg production.

    The finest and best value protein, as the hen can use it all and therefore needs less of it, is fishmeal.

    As a treat, poultry will love any household food scraps which are beneficial providing they are not the base diet.

    Use kitchen scraps as a supplement and don't feed your hens anything containing poultry derivatives.

    Wheat and maize can be offered as a scratch feed to keep the birds active. If they are not free range, green feed is always welcomed by the birds, but hang up vegetables and nettles to get the most benefit from them.

    Large fowl will eat about 4-6oz (110g-170g) per day, bantams need around 2-3oz (50g-85g), according to size.

    Instead of pellets, mash is more interesting for the hens - it takes longer to eat - but it can be wasteful and really needs to be contained in a proper hopper to prevent it from being scattered everywhere.

    Mash can also be mixed with warm water (especially in winter) and other foods.

    Crushed oyster shell and limestone grit should be made available. Baked and crushed egg shells make a good supplement also.

  9. Chickens can be as adventurous or as finicky as humans when it comes to eating.

    Ensure then hens are on a staple diet of layers mash/meal/pellets as this will provide them with vital nutrients to stay healthy and in lay.

    Treats should be given only occasionally (once or twice a week) and later in the afternoon. This encourages the hens to fill up on their mash and ensures they've had enough good quality feed first.

    The only foods you shouldn't give your hens is:

    - Raw potato

    - Avocado

    - Meat and fish (increases the risk of salmonella in the eggs they produce)

    - Salty foods such as crisps etc

  10. chicken`s do eat, honey. they don`t chew, that`s it. they do have immune system and so they will show allergic reactions to somthing or the other. problem is u won`t be able to see it or interpret it

  11. Humans....they're hard to swallow.

  12. Chickens CAN'T eat things too big to fit in their beaks(mouths) LOL!

    and yes chickens are a allergic to abuse, they are allergic to other animals trying to kill them, and they are allergic to slaughter farms for human consumption.

  13. Any chicken allergic to eggs cannot get certain immunizations in childhood.  Always read the labels before giving your chickens anything.

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