
What can't people see things differently?

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It would be nice to get nice answers for once. Here are your examples of rudeness:

I just ask one question, and people jump angrily on it.

Here's something, read my details before you answer stupidly. Let me say this differently.

*People should learn how to see past our differences (like religion) and focus on the moral aspects.* Religion is the aide people use to do good on this earth, and should not be attacked by anti-God zealots who can't comprehend the meaning of 'expand your mind'. Religion is only the cover for the rest of the book. What matters is inside of each of us. Labeling someone for believing in God is just like racism. People seem to see only what's on the outside and not what's on the inside.




  1. Agreed whole heartedly, but really isn't labelling them "anti-God zealots" the same thing you're talking about being the same as racism?  

  2. I agree with you 100%.  I am a Catholic now but have been associated with many different denominations over the years and I have found that every denomination has people who love the Lord with all their hearts.  

    I oppose those who suggest they know everything about God because they have "studied" the Bible and can prove their beliefs through Scripture.  They have come to the conclusion that if anyone has a different understanding than theirs then they are obviously wrong and should convert.  

    The common bond that should unite Christians is Jesus Christ.  If we are baptized into the body of Christ then we are all one.  It's a shame all Christians can't truly love love their brothers and sisters of all faiths  instead of lashing out at them for the sake of trying to prove themselves "right'.


  3. What we chose to believe becomes our reality. Anything that does not fall in line with our beliefs is seen as an attack on our reality.

    That being said, it's important for you to have an open mind also. You say that anti-God zealots can't comprehend the meaning of "expand your mind". The thing you fail to notice is that those anti-God zealots are saying the same thing about you. To them, believing in science IS expanding your mind. Which one is "true" is irrelevant because like I said, what we chose to believe is our reality. It's not your responsibility to make people understand. Your responsibility is to understand their side...that's it. If they want to understand yours, they will. If not, they won't. I agree that labeling someone for believing in God is just like racism. However, you're labeling those that don't believe in who are you really frustrated with?

  4. "People seeing things differently" has led to wars in the past.  Unfortunately, that is just how things are.

    On the other hand, it would really be boring if everyone saw things the same way.

  5. But you're not "expanding your mind" with religion, you're shrinking it.

  6. i understand what you mean. unfortunately, people have a way of being rude... i think they see it as okay, because they are exposed to it more than enough, and they have adopted it as part of themselves... i dont agree with it, but, if i could change the way they do that i would. personally, i try to answer a question as honestly and intelligently as possible. as for people seeing differently, most of us are limited to what we see, and what we want to see. some of us are blessed with the gift to look past that, but others either dont see it, or dont want to. on my answers, unless it strictly requires a religion put into it, i dont normally include it in my answers. i dont wish to offend people by stating my beliefs, because as you seem to notice, they tend to jump at you no matter what you think. i see no reason for them to do so, but i dont wish to give them a reason to do it either. the way my mind works is... a little different than most... most people will look at something from their point of view, and ignore other sides... i cannot help but look at it from my point of view, and others' views... i have to consider what others think before i consider what they say. if they meant nothing by it, then, it shows me they speak before they think, but, i just want to know why they do say the things they do. as for religion, as i said i dont want to claim anything because i dont want to offend anyone, but i think people should be ethical and moral, not just because they are afraid of what will happen when they pass away, but because they think it is right to do so. i dont want a person to wish they could be mean or horrible to another person, and not do so because they are afraid of their 'god' or holy person, or whoever they worship. in my life, i consider it a privelage to be a good person because i think it is right to do so. the way i see people is not what they believe in, but how they think to a certain extent. if someone believes in christianity, more power to them, and go for it, the same for any other religion, just as long as they dont get onto me for what i may or may not believe. i, unlike many others, am able to 'expand my mind' as you put it, and am able to understand most things about why people think the way they do. i dont have to like it, but i can understand. i am not racist, and i do not judge people by their religious beliefs either. i want to befriend a person based on who they are, not what they look like or what they believe. i mean, if they believe hurting someone is a good thing, i would disagree on that, but, other than that, if they want to believe in a certain religion, i cannot and will not tell them to do otherwise. that is their own personal choice, not mine. when you said "Labeling someone for believing in God is just like racism." i agree with you, but it is the same for any religion too. there are some very narrow minded kids at my school (i am 13) and, they refuse to accept that racism could mean (they are caucasian) that you hate 'white' people when you are 'white' and like 'black' people... where we grow up, most people are racist, and dont exactly get along with colored people... they dont seem to get it through their heads that it is racism whether or not you are talking about chinese people are colored people. it is not right to label anyone for the way they look, what they believe or anything else, except how they act and what they say. they may not be able to pick how they look, or why they believe what they do (religion wise i mean, and, i know they could, but, you dont just do that for what they believe) but they do have a say in how they act, and what they say.

    that was a good question though, and i wish i could answer it better. if i offended anyone, i appologize, but i think how i think.

    i hope you have a wonderful day, and the rest of your days be full of happiness!


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