
What can't u feed hamsters and can you feed them?

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i've had my hamster for a lil longer than a month and it mostly has hamster food.I feed it grapes and lettuce here and there but i really need to no wat i can and can't give my hamster!!




  1. CAN :

    apple; carrot; tomato;  nuts; sunflower seeds; grass; cucumbers; bread...


    chocolate, garlic...

  2. This site lists all safe treats, and all foods to avoid:

    DO NOT feed iceberg lettuce, or any other high-moisture vegetable. Such foods lead to digestive problems like diarrhea. This is very dangerous to small animals, and can lead to death. Grapes are fine, but in very rare and small amounts as they are so high in sugar.

    Peanut butter is another food to avoid. DO not feed them anything viscous like that. When they shove it into their cheeks, it becomes a serious choking hazard. And generally, stick to "natural" foods. Avoid anything high in sugar, salt, fat, and artificial ingredients.

  3. I know oreos are a bad idea. They seem to love them but it ends badly for the hampster...

    Peanut butter is good tho, in small amounts.  

  4. I have a hamster too and I would get a book about on hamsters or talk to someone like at PETCO. They helped me.

  5. It depends on the type of hamster, dwarfs are more susceptible to diabetes than syrians so be careful about the sugary food with them.

    Hardboiled eggs are a great source of protein for the little guys but should only be given as an occasional treat. Broccoli, lettuce, sunflower seeds, dry cat food, mixed bird seed, apples, tomatoes, shredded cheese, carrots, corn, dog biscuits, corn, oats, etc. Sometimes they like berries, but be careful about that because of the diabetes thing.

    If you give your hammie any fresh fruits or veggies make sure they are thoroughly washed to get rid of any nasty chemicals and fertilizers that may be on them that could kill your little buddies. Also only give them these things in small amounts as large amounts of fresh greens can give hamsters diarrhea. Fresh greens once or twice a week is good. Make sure you remove any left over fresh foods because they can rot and make your hammie sick.

    Avoid citrus fruits as the acidity can be harmful. I would also suggest avoiding sticky and sugary things, like peanut butter because it can get stuck in their throats and can choke them. I would suggest giving a couple peanuts instead.

    Some people feed a little bit of cooked meat (not hot of course) to their hamsters for the protein once in a while but I don't agree with that.

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