
What can't you eat and what can you eat when you have gout?

by Guest34060  |  earlier

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If you can please tell me anymore information about gout.

One of my family members has it and I need to inform him of it.




  1. Gout used to be called the rich man's disease

    but now allot of people get it.

    it is caused from eating meats and rich foods and drinking alcohol

    it can also be inherited or brought on by crash dieting / stress/ surgery or an injury.

    if you have it you can treat it naturally

    Druing a bout of gout eat only raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks.

    drink 5 to 6 glasses of juice daily fresh juice make from strawberries blueberries/ cherries or purple grapes

    all rich in the substances that counteract purines the organic compounds that contribute to uric acid is effective. in helping to prevent afurther attacks

    also eliminate such purine rich foods as red meats, meat gravies, mushrooms, mussels, herring, anchovies,

    in addition try to limit you intake of caffeine , dried lentils , fish, eggs, oatmeal, peas, and poultry,

    finally do not eat any fried foods or roasted nuts.

    when cooking oil is heated it becomes rancid and can  destroy the vitamin E in your body which results in increased levels of uric acid

    the above diet is strict but if you stay on it for a couple of weeks you will get better

    once you are better you can add some of the foods back but you should take some added nutrients to prevent it from coming back

    Deficiencies in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

    and vitamins A and E can provoke an attack of gout.

    for daily supplements take

    100 Mg Vitamin B complex

    500 Mg Vitamin B5

    400 IU of vitamin E

    10,000 IU of vitamin A

    3000 to 5000 Mg Vitamin C

    taking these daily can hlep lower uric acid levels

    Celery seed tea

    Celery seeds are a time tested remedy for gout and arthritis the seed helps the kidneys to dispose of uric acid and work to reduce acidity in the body as a whole

    to make tea

    pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tsp of freshly crushed seeds

    steep for 10 mins then strain drink one cup up to three times a day.

    Birch leaf tea

    the flavonoids and volatile oil in the leaves of both the silver and white birch tree are responsible for this rememdys potent diuretic effect drinking the tea will increase urine and there fore uric acid output

    to make

    pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 to 2 tsp of chopped leaves steep for ten mins strain drink one cup of birch leaf tea three times a day for up to eight weeks (no longer)

    if you try to lose weight do so cautiously crash diets and fasting for more than three days will sharply increase the level of ruic acid in your body.

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