
What can't you stand?

by  |  earlier

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like what you really hate the most? it can be anything you name it

i hate the feeling of depression




  1. cash for gold commercial

  2. living in a country that first right is not to be discriminated against yet being a native stuck on a reserve and givin a number cuz the colar of my skin (canada)

  3. I have been developing my tolerance level for decades, following the teachings of the religious scriptures and almost eliminated the feelings of hatred from my mind.That way I feel much peaceful now.


  4. when a person lies when its freaking obvious that they done it ..

    when people keep on procrastinating ...

    when the clothes are really expensive..

    when you feel ugly..

    when theres nothing to eat in the kitchen

    when theres no one online..

    when you cant go to sleep..

    when your hair goes greasy..

    when you get told from your teacher to wipe your make up off..

    when you get low grades..

    when your bored..

    when no names of music comes in your head..

    when theres nothing to do..

    when the plane has been cancled..

    when theres no money..

    when your hairs going..

    && THE MOST THING I CANT STAND IS WHEN MY FRIEND COPYS FROM ME .. :( ..SHE ALWAYS COPY ...ahhh i cant stand it ..evern the words i say ..she says it..the sentences i say and everyone laughs .and 5 hours later she says to some other friends..

    ahah ..theres moree..

    when your nail dont  grow..

    when your straightners dont work ..

    when theres no credit on the phone...

    when you feel ill ..

    when you feel upset ,.

    ... hope that helped you hehe


  5. pizza

    & when you loose arguments haha

  6. i hate if someone STOPs me for doing something that i'd love to do

    as i always want to be free and independent in my decisions......... nt really forced by ny1


    I hate seeing someone, or even hearing bout someone abusing

    or mistreating an animal or a kid.... bad or cruel......That is the

    one thing I can't stand the most.....


    When someone takes things out on someone or something

    that can not fight back, that is not able to defend themselves

    or able to understand why that is happening.... to them and

    has no escape, that is the what I hate the most......A PUNK!

    (u said it could be anything!)


  8. Whistling it drives me nuts

  9. I hate arrogant people. I really dare to slap any girl or boy who is overbearing and proud [ But so far, I didn't slap any]. I just can't stand proud people. Today, I got back my report card. B3 for History. One guy came towards me, snatched my report card and threw his on my table. Then he laughed at me for getting lower than him for History. " You got B3 only !!! Haha!! I got an A !! " says him. But I didn't slap him of course [ I'm in school]

  10. People supporting a candidate that believes just the opposite.  

  11. Mean people.

  12. Getting spots on my face
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