
What can America and Americans do to strengthen our economy?

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Including Governments both Federal and State




  1. Buy homes that are even bigger and more expensive to heat up that require loans that are unlikely to be paid back promptly like the loans for all of our other necessities such the V8s that we need to drive more aggressively and for longer commutes from work. Actually we should just tax rich people and give the poor more hummers.

    And uh let's see, more $30 T-shirts on credit and how about we throw in some $112 jeans and maybe some $25 flip flops. Of course all of these should be made of the highest Chinese/Malaysian/Taiwanese quality availabe. An let's see another $17 billion dollars a year on 16oz. bottles of water that can't be substitued with a gallon jug that costs $0.62 and we need to eat more of those sandwiches at those "gormet" cafes across from work because we don't know how to buy lunch meat.

    And while we build more debt, let's have the government kill the dollar because banks and investment firms can't raise enough capital publicaly so i guess that means trade and budget deficits to China when instead we could have some huge investor movement on nuclear-electric infrastructure or maybe some energy alternatives developement to get off of oil once and for all/

    What else can we do to help out. Oh i know, vote for whoever has the best charisma and the most appealing sounding plan to punish oil companies  becuase we won't be punishing ourselves and uh I don't know maybe help those banks raise the necessary capital to lend us more into debt by raising capital gains and dividends tax to 40% oh wait I'm sorry... 39%.

    People complain that the war in Iraq is costing us but I'm not tempted at all to say that we're suffering from our own fiscal stupidity. Thank you for reading my rant.

  2. Buy American made products. Do what you can to reduce your carbon footprint. (see source below.)

  3. s***w governemt. We need to think more about the people...

    Stop spending...I think every american needs to go to a freaking seminar about spending...

  4. go deeper into debt.

  5. - Invest in alternate energy- that would help increase clean energy sources and create jobs.

    - Work with our military leaders.  Plan with them on ending this war efficently.  I don't support immediate or quick withdraw, but I do support stabalzing the nation intelligently and ensuring the area is secure.  The sooner we secure Iraq, the less we will need to suffer from the high costs of it (we already are).  Then we can cut federal spending.

    - Tax cuts to the middle class and poor.  Help stimulate the economy with that and some nice tax credits too.

    - And another thing that has to be addressed is the deficit.  The deficit is way too high.  I support taxing the rich to help raise revenue to stop the deficit.

    -Spending needs to come under control.  We should invest in alternate energy as I said and spend in some areas, but we must gradually and carefully spend.  We need to cut where its not working (our government expenditure).  We need to examine where we are spending too much.

    - Have personal finance classes taught.  Investigate fraud. Mortgage fraud.  And provide some- but not bailout- relief to consumers suffering from the mortgage crisis.

    - Cut our subsidies to high-income farmers.  They prevent cheaper, low-cost food from elsewhere to come in and only the rich benefit.

    Those are governmental solutions. :]

  6. It's all false!! Everything is coming from the earth that we use, and that the earth gives free. All the resources are around us.It's man's greed and desire to lord of one and other that is the problem. How can an apple that was growing on a tree 20 years ago be four times the price today when it is growing on the same tree? The tree hasn't asked for a pay rise, or has it but it's only the government buff that understand what trees say? False economy. Take care. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

  7. Spend money, lower taxes and incentives for entrepreneurial business owners.

  8. Impeach Bush

  9. Get Government out of our lives and scream for a 10 per cent in come tax across the board.Our government is being run by a few. Not by the people. Our voices are not being heard in mass. Just those who have money are being heard.

  10. Exercise your right to VOTE!!!!

    vote for politicians that want to build the economy and build America rather than filling their own pockets.

  11. Purchase's that simple. Buy that new car, washer, dryer, fridge, television, etc..

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