
What can America do to about the puppet democracy being run by greed and control at the expense of the people?

by Guest55862  |  earlier

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Rupert Murdoch will host fundraiser for Hillary Clinton

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Behind the Curtain




  1. Why don't you complain about the dictatorships in N Korea, Syria, Cuba, and assorted other countries... or the emerging dictatorships of Putin and Hugo..or the oligargy in China that uses slave labor, has the most rapidly expanding military in the world, and executes more people than the rest of the world combined?

  2. enjoy the ride

  3. I believe that there are several things that we have omitted as our country has what we say "progressed" I believe we have lost our love for our country Patriotism and morals are essential to a country's success and survival. Please take the time to look over this and listen no matter what you believe This is my answer. And I'll die trying to get it to happen.

  4. Deport the politicians, along with the illegals. Start over with the Constitution Party.


    This guy is NOT owned by the corporations or special interests.  He is the ONLY candidate who wil represent US!

  6. Vote in the election, without fail!

  7. Simple, as a whole buy out and take over those who lobby against America and its future.

    A few million people buying FOX news stocks would give back the people control over the air waves is a good example and a start.

    Gathering together and out lobbying would put the future of special interests groups in danger (which would be good.)

    In short get together as a whole, play their game and overcome them by doing so.

    If the people organized and play the game of influence and do it right and pushed far enough, a peaceful revolution would be possible could be won using such methods.

  8. Put a halt to all this.

  9. I did look into this, and figure out, that the only way to end this thing is to make the system collapse... But since we are part of the system, its not possible... The solution is sacrifice, but how many peoples today could sacrifice their way of life to make a ''better'' world... I can`t see long term solutions to this, those have planned this thing for about a century, and their machine is so well roded, that only a miracle could make the things changes! If those industrials cannot controled the US, they will go to another country and do it again, but this time, we will not have anything to say about it! Its why I see China raise so fast and feels that they may get a shot at world dominancy if it doesn`t works here... So your call!

    Hope for the best!! Prepare for the worst!!

  10. start by informing oneself and then others-knowledge is power.

    By simply knowing this is can have  a huge impact.

    People should avoid indebtedness as they control the central banking system and can implode the economy any time- so personal and community self -sufficiency is a recommended.

    call for constitutional reform and more direct democracy as in Switzerland - forbid monopolies from media ownership.

    disband the  federal reserve and re-introduc ethe greenback Dollar.

    But it all begins with education and distrust of the offical line.

  11. quit selling our souls for the sake of a dollar and get back to what makes us a great country..."of the people, by the people, and for the people." The "me" people of this country need to remember that if it isn't for all of us, there would be none of us.

  12. Good to protest.


  13. not elect hitlery clinton

  14. we can put on tin foil hats i suppose.

  15. Use

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