
What can Americans do to make the world think America is not a terrorist?

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Americans should take actions to do something about their terrorist govt, but how? I mean their govt would slaughter them like it slaughters every other " innocent human being, baby, old man, woman, makes people homeless, takes away their freedom, makes children orphans, mutilates them, insults their beliefs, terrorizes them, bombs them, threatens to nuke them, wants to steal their oil etc"?

What can American people do about this terrorism?




  1. We have to KISS Europe's ***!

  2. Stop listening to idiots like you who spout your hateful rhetoric. You have absolutely no clue as the the amount of good that the United States of America does through out the world to help those in need or under repressive governments.

    Your living in a fantasy world filled with hate and used by those people who believe a socialist or Marxist way of life is the true and right way. Any time anyone wants to control people all they need to do is sympathize with their plight, make a promise to remove the hurt, give them enough to keep them needy and build on their insecurities.

    If you want us out of Iraq, Iran, and such countries. Get on the right side of the USA, support the work that is being done to crush an ideology that does nothing but bread hate for free peoples. You'll see how fast the terrorist give in to a United force against their evil doings.

  3. The world can think what it wants. But come on....the U.S. is NOT a terrorist government. Don't be ridiculous. If that was truly the case people wouldn't be doing whatever they can to get into the country. And the U.S. would not be giving monetary and defence aid to dozens of other countries.

    EDIT: Oh, I'm the naive one huh? "Advantages" and opportunity aren't available to the citizens of a terrorist run nation. So that argument falls flat. And you truly believe that more people in this world are threatened by the U.S. than are protected by it? Well, that is naive- and I would disagree "face to face" with anyone who felt that way.

  4. we aren't and i could care less what people think of us.they don't live here.i'm sure the terrorists love the new g*y marriage deal from the's our culture they hate.not anything else but that.when will you people get them one big group hug wont work.time for you to get your head out of the sand or get ready to be buried in it.

  5. Undo History/ publicly apologize to the whole world for 300 hundred years of terror.

  6. Decode this lyrics " Heal the world"

    Matt. 5.9-14

    Decode this lyrics " He's ain't heavy he's my brother"

    Luke 8.16

    Decode this lyrics " Only one road"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  7. vote them out

  8. Seriously? You are part of the problem. The people that hate America, are the ones that would chop your head off, or rape your mom, or shoot your kids and laugh in your dying face. America is not the problem. People like you contribute to the problem.  You call us killers and terrorists? But its OK for China to kill their people. Its OK for Russia? it was OK for Saddam? You have a delusion. Tell me one place that has a free society that thinks we are terrorists. TELL ME ONE FREAKING PLACE WITH A DEMOCRACY THAT THINKS WE ARE TERRORISTS!!!! YOU CANT!!!!  YOU WANT TO CITE TERRORIST LEADERS THAT CALL US TERRORISTS AND THINK WE HAVE THE PROBLEM?  THE PROBLEM IS PEOPLE THAT THINK LIKE YOU!!!

  9. Wipe out the terrorists who attacked us. We didn't start the fire. If we didn't respond, the attacks on us would only increase. Our innocents were slaughtered first. We can only assure the world, that our main goal is a safe world. Don't harbor terrorists.

    For those who don't appreciate our efforts, they should stop asking for foreign aid from our taxpaying citizens. We must remind them who is usually the first to respond to any disaster in the world. The US, a giving nation.

  10. Elect a President who doesn't see a Terrorist behind every Threat!  :)  When WE stop acting afraid, maybe the REST of the World will STOP being afraid of US!  :)

  11. Perhaps if you directed your diatribe of nonsense at real terrorists and tyrants like Mugabe, Chavez and the swine in Iran you're energy would be better spent.

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