
What can I add to this.**picture?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking i might put more water or a water lily or something. help me people




  1. I think if you put water around the fish like it made a splash it would be cool. Get what i'm saying?

  2. Water.

  3. I'd give him a friend

  4. Definatly add some waves, maybe a little bit more color to it. A water lilly wouldn't look bad either. I would go to your tattoo artist and see what he/she says, they usually have some great ideas!

  5. water & stars

  6. like a water fall behind the fish, with the splash and spray underneath as well

    or water markings and bubbles like he is under water

  7. Japaneses waves are sick especially if you get a cool color like dark purple or mint green. and i guess you could throw a couple cherry blossoms in there.

  8.     yes water, but at least once a week put baby oil on it to keep it,s color

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