
What can I bring with me to Jury Duty? (Mass)?

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I am a student and I don't have any "paper" homework its all online. Can I bring my laptop? In a backpack?

I will bring a book obviously.

Do I need to bring lunch?




  1. On the first morning when the jury members are being qualified, the judge will usually ask if anybody has any special needs which need to be addressed.  In most states students are allowed to be excused and do not have to serve.  You may be required to serve when school is out as an alternative.

  2. usually food and drink is not allowed in the courthouse. bring a twister and a camera so you can take pictures of you and the rest of the juror pool to commemorate your experience and make it a memorable one or you can bring a pillow.

  3. I can't speak for Massachusetts, but in Texas the laptop wouldn't be allowed.  Books are allowed, as well as other written materials and puzzle magazines.  I can't even bring my crocheting, since that involves metal needles which wouldn't get past the metal detector.  And lunch is on your own dollar unless you are impaneled and the trial lasts several hours.    I usually bring a lunch from home, since the stuff around the courthouse is too expensive.

  4. You can bring lunch if you desire but you will be able to purchase lunch unless you are sequestered. You can bring a laptop and use it without disturbing others. You should close your cell phone while in court,

  5. You do not bring anything with you to Jury Duty, except the clothes on your back and wallet or purse. You have to go through a metal detector, possible pat down and search of your belongings before  you can enter the courthouse. DO NOT bring a backpack or laptop or any other baggage of any kind. Do not bring lunch. You could bring a paperback in your purse,  or you might be allowed to carry it into the jury holding rooms to read before selections are made. When you enter, you will wait with others for however long it takes to select  a jury. If you are chosen to sit on a jury, you will remain at the courthouse, with your fellow jurors until the court releases you. There are bathrooms and water fountains and usually soda machines or coffee machines nearby in these areas, and if you are chosen to be on the jury, then meal breaks are scheduled into the trial time. If you are not chosen, you will be allowed to go home or back to work.

  6. Generally you can bring a laptop. Look at your juror card. It will direct you to a site where they've got this info posted.

    Just remember to keep a hand on it at all times!

  7. It should tell you on your summons what you are allowed to bring. If in doubt,call the courthouse the day before to find out.

    I just had jury duty last month in Pa. We were allowed to bring a laptop,but there was no internet access. We could bring a cell phone,crafts,a book. You can bring a lunch if you want,otherwise you will have to leave during the lunch break and find something in the area of the courthouse.

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