
What can I buy in London that I can't buy in the US?

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I am going to London for the first time next month and I want an idea of some good gifts to bring back for friends. Nothing too expensive since I want to buy a few. Thanks!




  1. a t-shirt that says "good boys go to heaven, bad boys goto London"

  2. go to gift shops and they have some cute stuff and you have to look in Harrods not to buy but just to look its amazing and it may sound wierd but go to the bathroom they are amazing i found a i heart london t-shirt in the heathrow airport hope i helped:) have fun in london and dont stay at the hilton metropole it sucks  

  3. you can buy football in london but you can by a soccer or suker what the h**l they call it !

  4. I picked up some Bikini Line razors for my friends while I was there, I have never seen them here in Canada anywhere, so they were a decent cheap gift, nothing they would have to keep forever, but it was something kinda unusual. I picked them up at an Asda, which is owned by Walmart out there I believe. And then some clothing that hadnt yet come out in canada yet, then the obvious suviniers.

  5. Bring back a palace guard's hat. It's ok, he can't move. You won't even have to run.  

  6. Pretty much the only things that London has that you can't get in the US are food related. For example, digestive biscuits sound gross but are good, squash is a type of juice concentrate that is yummy as well. And there are loads of candies that are not available in the US such as many Cadbury products, Smarties (not the ones you're thinking of) and Mars bars.

    If you don't want your gift to be food you could still find items that are very "London" even though you can likely find similar stuff here. For example Pashmina scarfs are very big there and sold everywhere.  One of my favorite shops is Topshop so you could get something from there.

    London is also full of markets that sell jewelry and antiques. I like my antique tea cup and saucer set that I got at Portobello Road Market in Notting Hill.

  7. I went last summer

    London has TONS of things for tourists, so i guess you could get the ususal touristy things like magnets mugs tee shirts and such

    think about what each of ur friends would like too? maybe try asking them what they would like

  8. anything designer ?? just find solo designers and thell let you buy something tottaly origonal

    oh and please please please answer my question!! ill give you 20 points

  9. The chocolates 'Roses'. Man I miss those!  

  10. french fries

  11. Don't get tourist stuff, that's lame. Get a bunch of great British chocolate. It doesn't have to be from a fancy chocolate store, just go find some chocolate bars that are really common there but you can get back home.

    Something new is always fun, and then you don't have to worry about giving your friends some corny coffee mug or something that they wont really enjoy (but will have to pretend to)!

    Trust me, British chocolate is AMAZING.

  12. Cuban Cigars.. but u have to hide them!

  13. Chocolate (best ever),  Tin of chip shop curry,  


    England is the best country in this entire ******* world :DDDD

  15. Marmite

  16. i just got back basically your best bet is to go to a tourist shop... they're everywhere.. and their cheap, clothes are good but i wouldnt buy those for my friends. I just bought random things in the tourist shop for my family basically anything that has London or England plastered all over it.

  17. Go to the British Museum.. that's where my sisters got me some stuff.

  18. Cadbury's chocolate. I have a number of American friends and they always take back chocolate.

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