
What can I buy in colombia as a souvenir to bring back to the united states.?

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I am going to colombia and want to bring back some expensive souvenir for my girlfriend, what is something i can buy over there that is pretty expensive, but yet small to put in a samll bag. No Jewelry, no fruit something exotic.




  1. I would go to the "tipico" shop on 106th and 19 next to Carbon de Palo. They have some wonderful Llama skin rugs with patterns that I have not seen anywhere else. You easily roll it up to fit in a suitcase. If she likes shoes.. get her a pair of Vicky Tcherassi. She has stores all over Bogota. The best one is close to the Andino mall. Id still, however, get her an Emerald.

  2. Well, since you dont want any jewelry, although it´s recomended, there are multiple forms of handcrafts that are particular, not only to the country, but also to a region.  I dare suggest getting her something that may hold content, such as a jewelry box or a leather handbag/case (also very recomended as Colombian leather is worldwide known) or loungerie, such as gowns or the like, which is also reputed for its high quality, so that you may then complement it with toffees, such as Coffee delights, which are sold in stores and are traditional Colombian sweets.

  3. a painting of something that is very valuable see what your girlfriend likes and get her a painting of that

  4. I know you said no jewelry, but Colombia is known for its precious emeralds. They are considered the best in the world. Don't buy them from people in the street, make sure you go to a real jewelry store.

    Colombia is also known for it's excellent quality lingerie.

  5. A prepaga.

  6. I'm from colombia and let me tell you that it is the best place to spend your summer. I go there almost every summer. You could buy a machete or a sombrero.

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