
What can I buy over-the-counter or do to speed up muscle recovery and refresh legs after a good long run?

by  |  earlier

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Buy over the counter please! I don't have credit card for online stores! Please NO ONLINE STORES PLEASE!!! Thank you!!




  1. Over the counter, you could by Epsom salts.  Take 2 cups of add it to the hottest bath water you can handle and soak for about twenty minutes.  This will help leach out the nasty chemicals built up.  That is what I use during my training.

    Even Cheaper is ICE, dump ice in a bathwater and soak in the tub. This is an ice bath again this helps the recovery after a run.  John Stanton owner and running guru of the Running Room, swears by Chocolate milk as the greatest recovery drink after a long run as the protein to carb ration is perfect.

    I am sure there are protein shakes and other methods but these one are drug free, and are cheap.


  2. The cheapest and effective way to restore and repair sore muscles is an ice cold leg bath.  After your run, run a cold bath, just enough water to cover your legs, (might want to put on a sweater and grab a magazine to read to keep your mind off it) add some ice and stay in as long as you can 10-15 minutes.  Take a couple of advil if needed.  Then later on in the day ice your sore muscles/legs 2X for 10 minutes each.

    Eat a protein loaded lunch (turkey wrap, tuna, steak, etc)  or drink a protein shake or drink ReLoad (drink Eload during your runs)  Take rest days...

    Good luck and keep running!

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