
What can I buy to make my car have better gas mileage?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want to go overboard with the prices tho




  1. Auto Works has a liquid product that is put into the tank when 1/2 full or less then you fill up, it has increased my mileage 5 miles per gallon...........Sorry, forgot the name of it, but each of their stores carry it, comes in a small size, .99cents, last time I purchased the quart size, you only place in 2 oz. each fill up.

    My guy friends says it cleans something, (whatever they call it) I just know it works. BUT I also, keep new plugs in, all fluids are always checked, air in tires always properly filled etc.and all filters up to date................180,000 miles on my car and it will be driven another 180, 000 so my mechanic says, if I keep this good care up.

    hope this helps...........

  2. As other have stated also remove roof racks in not being used.

    Also keep your car serviced as clean spark plugs ,corect carberetta settings, good exhaust pipe etc can improve mileage.

  3. A fuel-efficient car.

    Without going that far, you can do a couple of FREE things with your present car:

    Keep your tires inflated - less friction.

    No sudden starts or stops - more eefficient.

  4. There are no miracle gadgets that will give you any significant improvement in your fuel mileage.

    The only thing that you can change that will make any noticeable improvement is the driver behind the wheel

    Slow down, stay within the posted speed limit

    Avoid hard acceleration

    Avoid hard deceleration

    No long warm-ups.  When you start your engine, you can drive off within as little as 30 seconds, even on a cold morning.  You get ZERO miles per gallon idling in the driveway.  It doesn't get any worse than that.

    Combine trips

    Get rid of unnecessary weight.  Get rid of the junk in the trunk.

    Keep your tires properly inflated.

    Car Pool when possible

  5. If you want t increse fuel economy by 2-3 mpg you might want to look into buying an under drive pulley kit. What it does is reduces the size and weight of the pulleys that run your power steering, a/c, and water pump. This will give you better gas milage and also help your car gain about 10-15 horsepower.

  6. You don't need to buy anything - just drive differently. Accelerate at a reasonable speed up to the speed you need to be going, always look ahead, and if you're going to need to slow down, take your foot off the accelerator. When going down hill or approaching traffic lights, take your foot off the accelerator because the car won't use any fuel if it's rolling in gear (but if you take it out of gear it'll start using fuel, so don't coast in neutral). Try to drive smoothly - if you keep accelerating and braking you'll use more fuel than if you keep going at a reasonably constant speed.

    You'll use less fuel, and need to have your car fixed less often too.

    (About accelerating - it seems most efficient if you accelerate quite hard up to 2000rpm, and then change up at that point - until you reach the speed you want to be in, and then change into the highest gear suitable for your speed).

    If you really want to spend money, you could get a space saver spare tyre or a can of tyre-weld. Give your car a good wash and wax. Keep your tyres correctly inflated. Remove anything you don't need from the car. Make sure you have a clean air filter and spark plugs. And having your car chipped so that you get more HP and torque can, surprisingly enough, also give you better fuel economy.

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