
What can I do? 13 and overweight?? ?

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hey guys! im 13 and 110 lbs, almost 5 feet tall. its mostly in my stomache. I dont get why I look overweight cuz my doc ses im skinny for my age. what can I do to lose this quickley? I also dont eat that much, but then again, I dont exersize on a regular basis, but Idont usually just sit all day either. sorry its kinda confusing..... thanks, Sarah




  1. well im 13 too

    but i weigh about 85

    weight doesnt matter so much

    what matters if that your healthy


    if you want to get a flatter stomach you should play a sport though

    swimming, ice skating, and soccor are really fun sports

    dont go on a diet cuz were just 13 and our bodies will change a lot

    some people get a little chubby before they even out and look like a lady haha well thats what my aunt told me :D

  2. You are not even close to being overweight

  3. Hi Sarah,

    Make sure that you're eating lots of healthy foods, like green leafy vegetables, whole grains and lean meats like turkey and fish.  Drink lots of water and do a little cardio exercise each day.  Cardio is exercise that gets your heart rate up like walking or riding your bike.  For an extra kick, do some sit-ups each morning too, that will help tone your abdominal muscles.

    You're not fat.  With just a little effort, that tummy will be gone in no time.

  4. how the h**l do u gain that much just run daily about a mile and EAT RIGHT NO MORE JUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm sure you're not fat if you're only 110. I'm 115 and I'm 17 and 5'3. If you want to be toned than start an exercise programme. I know I lost a lot of fat when I started working with horses. Get on a healthy diet of three meals a day. Pay attention to serving sizes and eat what's healthy. If you stop eating than it'll just make you gain more weight in the long run, trust me, i've tried it. When I was 16 I stopped eating meat and that helped me stay healthier because I actually thought about what I was eating instead of just eating what tasted good. Most  importantly stay healthy.  

  6. YOU ARE NOT OVERWEIGHT! Just eat healthy and stay active, but you are seriously not overweight!

  7. I think you're at a good weight for your age, so just exercise regularly and eat healthy so that you won't gain anymore weight.

  8. you are too concerned of what society thinks. i am 14, 4 foot 11, and i weigh 100 lbs. i am abnormally small for my age, but you are fine. i am not overweight, nor are you. there is nothing wrong. dont worry

  9. you are not overweight but if you want to get leaner i really suggest taking dance classes theyre so much fun and the warnm up gets you leaner well toned and the overall class is fun=] really stop worrying please it causes stress. i hate it wen girls clall themselves fat it is bad for your self esteem and theres so much more time for you to continue developing like getting taller and losing babyfat i really hope this helps and just try to be more active  

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