
What can I do??? PLEASE HELP!!!?

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Hi, my name is Jorge and I'm 18 years old.

I want to live in England, get a college (I want to study tourism) and I want to get a job to pay my studies and everything else like a flat for example.

I dunno what to do, I mean, I don't know how hard it would be to find a college there (taking in count that I don't have much money to pay an expensive college), I dunno if I could get a job there... What can I do? PLEASE, HELP.

All I've got are agencies that send ppl to study a year there, but I don't want to study a year, I want to live there. And they're kinda expensive, tho. :S

By the way, I'm from Mexico.

Thx for taking your time and read this. :)





  1. do you have any family that could help you, and maybe help pay too?

    that's a starter point.

    in england, it's not hard to find a college, just search some on the internet and the ones you like, get in touch with the person in charge there.

    well, i can't suggest anything else, all i can say is good luck and  hope it all goes to plan :) x*x

  2. hi i live in england and i can tell u its not a good place to move to. i would swap with u if  want to ????

  3. if u have relatives there that will absolutely help,but my question is:if ur not thinking of a college in particular there why england? another thing,don't u ever think in credits,cuz you're gonna pay 4 them tell ur 30 years-old,so why don't u just think of studying in a local college,or u can try 2 get a scholarship,or 4 example check the colleges of the middle east especially the arabian world they're much cheaper.i'm not trying tocrashh your dreams,cuz i'm planing on the same thing,but if u just cant handle it,think about other solutions,cuz it's better than crying on something u can't have,on the other side u can keep working on what ur doing,and remember that is the whole thing depends on the person,that's why some people rgraduatedd from harvard and they don't have a job,when others though they didn't have anything but they made it.HOPE THE BEST 4 U AND GOOD LUCK,PRAY 4 GOD 2 HELP IN ANY WAY,CUZ I BELIEVE THAT GOD GIVES US EVERYTHING,BUT WHEN HE DECIDES TOO,BUT FINALLY WE GET IT.

  4. HOLA JORGE. no lo sé exactamente por que England, pero si es lo que tu quieres te deseo mucha suerte y también te ofreceré mi opinión. yo soy rumana y vivo en madrid españa. soy estudiante de psicología aquí. estoy sola aquí, es decir, nadie me ayuda a pagar mis estudios. el único trabajo que tengo es de camarera en un bar los fines de semana. sólo con lo que gano allí tengo dinero para pagar mis gastos y tener también para caprichos. aquí te erá más facil estudiar si pudieras convalidar tus estudios de mexico o pasar la selectividad aquí. eso sí, hay esfuerzo para trabajar y estudiar pro se puede. también el varano se puede aprovechar para trabajar y ahorrar dinero para pagar la carrera.

    yo te deseo mucha fuerza de voluntad. no lo digo para asustarte, sino para prepararte.

  5. Jorge amigo, ¡No te vayas a Inglaterra para estudiar turismo, no hay buenos cursos!  Estarías mucho mejor aquí en España que tiene la industria turística más imporatante de Europa y los consiguientes cursos universitarios.  Creo que también te saldría mucho más económico, y te lo digo como inglés.  Siempre puedes viajar a Inglaterra durante las vacaciones, pero hazme caso, no es buen sitio para estudiar turismo.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do!

  6. Hiya, i don't know if i can be much help butI'mm 15 and i live in England and have done all my life =] When you say college do you mean university? Because here you leave school at 16 and can go onto further education for free which is either college or six form and you usually do this for two years ( in this time you study for your A Levels ). University is open to anybody over the age of 18, many people go to university after college to do degrees etc but you can go to university at any age. In order to get onto a course at university they have specific requirements, for most students just left college they have to have gained certain grades at A Levels, for example they may need 3 grad B's in certain subjects to get onto the course. I am not quite sure how it would be done for you though, with you not having studied in the UK. I presume you would have to contact the university you want to go to.Uni can be expensive as well!  You can take out student loans where you then pay back after you have left university and are earning over a certain amount of money however the student loans are not enough to get by, my sisters loan is less than her accommodationn costs alone! You will definitelyy need a job to survive! From what i know it can be quite hard to get a visa to live over here, it would help if you knew somebody that lived here so you could live with them for a bit until you have enough money to have a place of your own as everything here is becoming very expensive - especially housing! I would concentrate first on getting a visa and a place to stay, then a job then look at where you could study - but thats just me, i mean im only 15 so im not the best person to answer this i just thought id try and help a little!

    Hope its helped a little! x

  7. Ok Jorge, first of all...if you want to go to college in the UK, you're going to have to pay international fees (the amount depends on the course you want to do..for example engineering is much more expensive than maths but i am not at all sure about tourism) you will have to pay about 10,000 pounds a year for tuition only. you'll have to pay more for living expenses.

    getting a visa to live in the uk is getting more difficult in the uk unless you are a refugee or asylum seeker. try contacting the UK Home Office.  

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