
What can I do about a care home that thinks I belong to them?

by  |  earlier

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It's becoming like n**i jurisdiction in here. I am in here voluntary and recently they've been doing all this really stupid stuff. First it was the tuck shop they stopped selling chocolate crisps and coke cos they wanted everyone to take up eating these stupid birdseed bars instead and it was like whats it to you if I dont wanna eat healthy. In the end I just left it.

But there coming out with all these stupid safety stuff all the time now like there cutting down all the trees outside the home in case a branch falls on top of one of us. Honestly were all adults in here but were getting wrapped up in cotton wool like babies. Its really p*ssing me off and today I complained and they actually said "You live in here so you belong to us."

How can they say that? Surely there must be something legal I can do if thats what they think of us.

I wonder when we'll all start having to use plastic cutlery at meal times.

I've complained to the home manager and my social worker, but they all stick up for each other.

We're not supposed to drink in here either, but they've been getting to me so much recently Ive just gone stuff your rules and getting drunk in my room every night.

Before you answer I'd just like to point out that this is a care home, not a Nursing home which is a different thing. No nurses work here only care workers.




  1. I think you need to stick to the rules, otherwise they will never let you out.

  2. You ***** and complain about minor stuff, then state you're in there because you have nowhere else to go.

    Well let me tell you, those living in cardboard boxes have a heck of a lot more to complain about than a few minor problems with rules.

    You need to suck it up and make do with what you have.  And just for the record, I'd check those rules carefully, because if the rules say no drinking and you disobey, you will find yourself out on the street.  Legally and correctly.

  3. There has to be a clearly defined complaints procedure which is clearly displayed which basically involves various procedures starting at an informal level to the home manager and from there upwards. Whats important is that YOU not them escalate it. They cannot just say you cant complain to the higher authorities. Find it, read it and follow it to the word so thay cant say youre doing wrong.

    As for belonging to them, thats a joke. Not knowing what youre there for or what the home is i cant be specific but if its a private home they will be charging between £600 and £1500 per week for your care.

    You are the customer so dont get yourself down and just follow the procedures to get what you want. Learn the rules and use them. PS Give the booze the elbow, and get well.

  4. You can move out, that is about it.  The rules are to avoid lawsuits, so they really don't care about your individual needs.  Keeping you happy or risking a lawsuit ... they already weighed that decision and you came out second.

  5. Getting out of there is your only option, I know renting is expensive but you could try a hotel live in job. Some hotels are good places to live and work. Somehow you gotta get out, their management is too weird. They don't own you. You gotta show them

    They are clearly adrift of reality chopping down Trees, but Ive seen local councils do this before in case of an injury claim (I mean how f***ing unlikely is it) cars are far more dangerous, do they get banned?

    Leave the Trees alone Freaks!

  6. This place can't be all that bad if your able to get drunk in your room everynight.  Do they furnish you this booze?  If so I want to go there.

  7. Can I please ask why you are in a Care Home? Your far too young.

  8. You can leave.  But then you wouldn't have anyone to blame for your drinking but yourself, so you'd probably prefer to stay and continue to behave like a victim

  9. go over there heads...dont bother with anyone there,it sounds as though there all covering there backs....go to the head office.

  10. Would you like to swap places with me, I have all the freedom I like, but have to live in a kennel

  11. First thing first - How old are you?

    You maybe better of in a homeless hostel, and get your name on a council list, given your circumstances you may get given priority and may only have to wait a few months or less.

    I am not really sure how the scottish system works, but there is always someone above a social workers that you can complain to.

    What benefits are you on? ( it makes a difference)

    Do you have disability?

    If I were you, I would go and see citizens advice, or maybe make an oficial complaint.

    Good Luck

  12. So far they appear to be looking out for the safety of everyone, maybe going overboard with the trees and such but I haven't seen anything you said being illegal.  Each care worker is going to look at the people they care for differently depending on what day of the week it is and how bad of a day they have long as they are not treating you as tho they own you then there is little you can do.  You have also mentioned you are there on your own accord.  Which also means you can leave on your own accord if you don't agree with how they are running the place.  Maybe there is a different center you can go to.

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