
What can I do about a disobedient indoor dog and a newborn on the way?

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About a 9 months ago my husband adopted a dog from the A.S.C.P.A. He's been a challenge to handle considering he is destructive and may have separation anxiety. We cannot leave him unattended otherwise he'll find something to chew at (such as shoes, blankets, furniture, you name it!) Now we are expecting our first and the thought of keeping this dog around for the baby's arrival drives me crazy! We have a small one bedroom apartment with no yard space. My husband is a trainer so he does walk/runs the dog about an hour a day, for the most part at least 5 days a week. And although he knows commnads such as sit and stay he will not at all sit still long enough for us to reward him. My husband insists on keeping the dog but with the dog's hyperness and constant jumping and chewing it isn't at all what I had in mind. What can I do about either my husband's stubbornness or the dog?




  1. Getting in touch with a dog trainer would be your best bet.

    Sorry, I don't know any husband trainers :p

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