
What can I do about a person threatening me at school.

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A guy is threatening me. Over msn so i do have records. Says that he is gonna use weapons. I have chat logs of it but if i do go to the police ill be known as a snitch. Im 16 years old and don't really know what i can do. Of course i can try to fight him. But up against someone with a baseball bat or knives I'm gonna get it. I'v been trained in self defense and have had training with knives, but i can't carry because I will be at school. Plus what can the police really do? This kid has quite a record. Including smashing a kids face through a plate of glass at a store. He just got out of juvi. He does have mental issues but apparently does not take his medication on a regular basis. He punched his mom in the face.... No respect for any kind of law.

what can i do!





  1. Go tell now. Alive is better than dead. Tell others you thought he was Columbined in the head, that you were trying to help everyone. You say , he bragged about weapons and c**p, I didn't mind a fair fight.

    This dude might have gone postal on all of us.

  2. Here's a way to avoid being labeled a "snith":

    Tell the principal that "I don't mind fighting the guy, but if you don't do something about him, I will. Next time he bothers me, I'll just call the police directly, and let you explain to the Superintendant why cops showed up on campus."

    Let punks like him get kicked out of school. If his record is as bad as you say it is, and your own record is ultra clean, you can get away with putting him down.

    If there is some sort of report on file that you and others have complained about him in the past, sue the school and the principal for $500,000 or more. See how fast they get him out of there.

    The first kid at school who calls you a snitch, plant a fist in his nose. It sounds rough, but at 40 years old, I found out the hard way that is often the only thing that will shut up name callers. You won't get in trouble, deflect it to the principal for not doing anything about it.

  3. well really u should report him to the police cuz that is illegal and he would most likely go to jail or juvi w/e


    u could meet him outside school come up from behind with a bat and hit him on the side of the knee shattering his knee cap i don't think he'd mess with u after that in fact after months of surgery and physical therapy he'd still probably walk with a limp so i think that would teach him a lesson

  4. I have to support all those urging you to report it to the police. If not, is there an adult, such as a family member to whom you can talk? Please do not try to cope with this by yourself.

    Good luck

  5. do not stoop to his level go to the police evey day untill someone helps and do not worry about others they are scared of him too it will take time but it will i promise work for you

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