
What can I do about an illegal "Lone Parent"?

by  |  earlier

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I am an american citizen. My Irish wife became pregnant and fled home to Ireland. She has been claiming that she doesn't know who the father is and now is receiving money from the government or some organisation. My name is not on the birth certificate. I have sent money and visited twice in the last 2 years. Is there anything I can do

to be recognised as the the father and stop her from stealing money from those who really need it?




  1. Yes.

    Get an Irish lawyer.

  2. My brother in law had to take his ex-partner to court and get a DNA test done to get him recongnised on the birth certificate as the father and for access rights.

    However it cost him about £8000 in legal fees to get this done, dont think that it will cost her either as she will be able to get free legal aid on the state given she is a single mum.

    You will have to summons her to court over in Ireland.

    As for stealing money, she is entilted to benefit we have a different social services over here...if you put your name down as the father then they will chase you for monthly maintenance and being in America wont stop them claiming from you and she will still be entillted to state benefit but will just receive some of it from your wage

    So be prepared for a costly time if you pursue this

  3. yes, u should contact the child support agency in uk. i dont know any contac details for them but u could google it. u can tell them wot she is doing, as if she is claiming benefit they will have her details on file anyway, i should think they would then contact her over this, if not, just tell the c.s.a. that u would like to start paying 4 ur child thru them and get them to take regular payments for u, then they will deduct this amount from her benefit. if the overseas banking is an issue, u can still send mney 4 ur child, but make csa aware of how much u are payin so that they will deduct it, but keep records of how much u are sending so that she can never say u havent paid. the csa will dfinately deduct her benefit as soon as they ar aware of this, contact them. good luck, and i hope this helps with u being a bigger part of ur childs life x

  4. Go to court in Ireland.  Hire a lawyer over there.

  5. She is entitled to lone parents payment if she is a lone parent.

    You are not living with her so she is entitled to it.

    If you are giving her €146.50 ($215) per week or more she is entitled to  unless than full payment from the welfare.

    Are you sending her more than €146.50 per week?

    If you are giving her more than €425 ($625) per week then she is entitled to nothing from the welfare.

    If you are giving her more than €146.50 then you can come to Ireland and inform the welfare.

    It has nothing to do with whether or not you are on the birth cert or whether or not she says who the father is.

    Even if you where in Ireland and on the birth cert etc. she would be entitled to the money.

    You can come to Ireland and have your name put on the birth cert etc.

    You do have to come here and go to court to have a birth cert amended.

    If she agrees to put your name down there should be no need for a DNA test.

    If she doesnt agree then you have to get a test done.

    There is more than one place in Ireland to get the test doen but the ONLY one accepted in court is from the Blackrock clinic.

    I know a few people who had it done elsewhere only to be ordered to do it again there.

    Its a lot of paper work and solicitor fees but its not taht difficult.

  6. you could have her killed by friendly fire

  7. you could do her a big favour and stay out of her life

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