
What can I do about debt collector still calling after I sent limited cease & disist letter

by  |  earlier

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I have sent a limited cease and desist letter via fax and I have a confirmation of successful submission. This certain debt collector calls me about 20-30 times a day. I just need to know what my options are from here. I have acknowledged to them that the debt is valid and I have every intention of paying, but they are extremely rude and frankly they are asses about it. I told them they they are no longer allowed to call me, as I am getting in trouble at work for this, they are only allowed to communicate with me via usps. Please help me with my options, and please no smart-*** comments about paying the debt, because I am going to,it is just a rough time right now.




  1. hi do u smoke???????????????????????????????????...   cause thats ur name

  2. Call the Better Business Bureau and report them They might also give you advice because those companies are not allowed to bug people at work, nor are they allowed to phone people after 8pm, I believe.

  3. A cease and desist letter is a good start, but it sounds to me that this collection agency is not honoring legal protocol. I would say they have way overstepped the legal boundary in their efforts to collect. You can report this agency to the proper governing body in an effort to stop this harassment  by contacting the following agency (s):

    Federal Trade Commission at -

    Attorney General of your state.

  4. I won't make any smart comments about your debt....been there plenty too!  I really don't get why collection agents use this tough, mean and nasty approach...and especially calling you at do they expect to get any money by costing you your job?

    The best results of any collection agent that ever called us was someone who actually treated us with respect and caring.  We immediately made payments arrangments ... for just a small amoutn every month...even $5 will do it.  Send them post dated cheques for $5 or $10 and they can't do anything further.

    I never heard of sending a cease and disist letter...but if this is a legal method you have heard of then I suggest sending it by registered letter...they can't ignore it then.  If this is legal for you to do and the law says they have to obey it then I suggest if they don't you press charges.

    You are not a bumb or anything else others might say.  It happens to many, many people to lose control of a debt so feel confident to know you deserve respect as anyone else.  I wish you luck!

  5. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) allows your to send a collection agency a cease and desist all contact.  There is nothing in the law that says you can demand they only contact you by mail.  Now if you ask, most creditors will comply, but legally they do not have to.  

    If the collector is calling you at work, you should send them a certified, return receipt letter (faxes and phone calls won't work) requesting the stop calling you at work as your employer does not permit you to receive personal phone calls.  the FDCPA does cover that.  

    Are you actually speaking to this collector or are they just leaving 20-30 messages?  If they speak to you, they cannot call you more than once per day.  However, if you don't take the calls, they can keep leaving messages.

    Is this a third party collection agency or the original creditor?  The original creditor can pretty much talk to you 20-30 times a day.  They have completely different rules.

    Since you admit this is your debt, what have you done about working out payment arrangements?  Send them a letter with a payment plan.  You might even negotiate a settlement for less.  Lump sums get the best deals and payment plans really need to be short term.    Make sure you get something signed by the collection agency accepting the settlement/payment plan.  Keep it, along with your payment proof, forever.  Do not give the collector direct access to your bank account.

    Paying them off is the fastest way to get them to stop calling you.

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