
What can I do about fits of anger?

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For the last couple of weeks now, on and off, I've been getting these strange fits of anger. Now I say strange because they seem to be set off by the silliest little things. I'll give you the most recent one - last night I wanted to have a bath, found out we didn't have any bath soak/bubble bath and I got so angry I nearly put my fist through a wall....?

This is really doing my head in because I am normally such a placid, calm person. I'm so confused, what can I do???




  1. I have the same type of thing you have...

    Nothing like breathing one way, or praying about your problems dosen't really help me... but i found that music helps me.

    Some song that means something to you... even if it means something to you for a stupid reason.

    Songs like these i normally listen to when i'm angry;

    Lair - The Used

    I'm A Fake - The Used

    Numb - Linkin Park

    One Step Closer - Linkin Park

    Song like that...

    For me my life is all about music, but everyone is different. I either listen to music, or play my bass guitar with something is bugging me.

    I had a friend that when she got angry she would go on a run to let out all her negitive energy, just sprint, push yourself as far as you can go.

    Then there is always writing, poems, songs, just random notes here and there... Writing stuff down does really help revlieve stress.

    I hope this helped you out, even a little.

    good luck.

  2. I guess it depends on how serious these fits of anger are and how deeply they affect you. Are you angry about something else and letting it vent over stupid things? Or do you feel some kind of deep level rage? I was diagnosed as manic depressive (back when it was manic depression, they changed the name sometime to bipolar disorder) about 10 years ago and, even on medication, I still experience the "rapid cycling" of anger and elation.  Some days I am just full of wrath and everything makes me angry -- even though it's really anxiety masked as rage. My thoughts race and I really do feel like punching the wall. But, other days I am just fine. That's the hallmark of bipolar, coupled with a general inability for people to handle these extreme emotions.

    Anyway, I don't know the answer. I think I understand about feeling "normal" -- the people I work with have no idea because I can control things at work so that I appear calm and almost aloof. Other days nothing bothers me at all.

    If that's how you feel, it's tough. Medication helps, but nothing else I have ever tried -- short of alcohol, which sometimes alleviates the anxiety -- really helps. I've been to therapy and support groups, but ... I don't know. If you think it's serious, go to a doctor, which is probably the last thing you want to do. They can give you medication that will help, and help you understand the bipolar. If that's what you have. I'm no MD. =)

  3. When you get this angry, take a deep breath, and count to 10, then smile and say cheese. (you see how on your own you realize that it is silly things that get you angry.) If this doesn't help, evaluate what major trauma if any recently took place to offset this bout of fits of anger. If you can't come up with anything, and just talking to friends doesn't seem to be doing the trick, speak to a therapist to help you through it.

  4. when you find the answer e=mail me  because breathing exercises are bullshit praying doesn't calm me and I know just how you feel!

  5. anger management

  6. the best thing is to see your family doctor and he will refer you to a mental health spec ialist,sounds like you may need some anger management

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