
What can I do about misquotes in my back yard?

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I have a great back yard & I'd love to sit outside in it and read or sun; however, I have so many misquotes in my back yard that I can't spend any time in it. Seriously, they are so thick that at times it looks like a small cloud. I have no standing water in my back yard & neither do my neigbors. Where are they comping from & how do I kill them??! I want something that'll take care of them fast so that I can spend some time in my back yard before summer's over!! Please help!




  1. misquoteo magnet is alot of money but works.  I put it in my yard and i havnt gotten bit once scince it started working!!!!  I also live on the edge of a wooded area so we usually have a major misquoteo problem

  2. I am not sure about how to kill them but you may try mosquote repelling candles. There has to be standing water somewhere around because there would most likely not be that many if there wasn't water they have to have water to multiply

  3. first i wouldn't get one of those outside electric lamps that electrify the bugs it will attract mosquitoes 2 miles away.

    if you don't want to be bitten then eat vitamin b complex it make your blood taste nasty to mosquitoes but it takes awhile for the vitamin to build up so in the mean time wear some bug repellent that contains DEET.

  4. so if there isnt any standing water, then next thing to do is to make sure all  gutters are clean as well. If u have any tire swings in your yard, drill holes on the bottom. Also u can hang a couple of bird feeders in your yard, they enjoy eating mosquitos. Brown bats can eat seven hundred mosquitoes in one night. So u could put up a bat house in your yard, just dont use any pestisides, bats are easlily poisoned. Mosquitos are attracted to dark clothing so wear light colored fabric. If u dont like to use spray with deet in it, u could try a plant based product called Bite Blocker it will last for at least 3 1/2 hours. they say if u mix one table spoon vanilla extract with a 1 cup of water and apply it to your exposed parts it will repel mosquitos, flies, and ticks or rubbing orange on your exposed skin is supposed to help, apparently mosquitoes hate the spell.

  5. I always spray on skin so soft from Avon and honestly don't get bit. Also if you spray the area  and furniture with Listerine they will stay away. Ours come out in the evening so I spray my self sometimes just lightly with the Listerine and no misquotes , I take a shower later so I don't mind.

  6. There's standing water somewhere nearby but let's get you comfortable. You can use a couple fans to blow across you as misquotes cannot fly in windy conditions. Or Bass Pro Shops on-line sells a device for around one hundred bucks that runs off of propane that covers a huge area and from all I heard they are very effective. But the fans will work if you're going to be stationary.

    <edits> Avon sells a product called Skin So Soft, I 100% recomend it as it will deffinatly repell  the insects. Look up Avon online and type in your location for the closest  sales person near you and give them a call and ask, they will say yes they sell a lot of it for that very purpose.


    ultrasound repliers just don't work so stay away...

    You can buy a very yard fogger, they work well... can get expensive anywhere from $50 to a few hundred dollar for the foggier then the fogging chemical, but again i use this and it works well

    yard candles

    And a construction site trick is to take a metal bucket and fill it half way up with sand, poor diesle fuel into it till you barly see it seep back threw the top.. Step back and throw a burning piec of paper into it.. it may flash at first but in a few seconds you will not even see a fire but only smoke... smells and probaly will take away your backyard enjoyment but this works very well to keep all kinds of bugs away...

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