
What can I do about mosquitoes in my backyard?

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We just moved into a new home that is bordered by a creek and we are swarmed by mosquitoes day and night. I have a young child and we can't even enjoy our backyard. The mosquitoes don't even mind the bug spray!!!




  1. burn citranella candles (carefully), and put moth balls around (they are also toxic to children and animals however, if ingested).

  2. buy a bat and a bat house the bat will eat the mosquitoes

  3. I have lived in a subtropical swamp for years and there is really no non-toxic way to rid yourself entirely of mosquitoes. Be comforted that they are usually seasonal and even in the wettest conditions they do subside.

    Wearing light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants makes life a lot easier outdoors as does a mosquito trap that consists of an ultraviolet light which attracts them and sucks them through a dish of soapy water. Check in your local hardware for one or look online.

    Alternatively what works for me is burning mosquito coils. You can usually buy the cheap Chinese ones in supermarkets. They are undoubtedly the most effective solution for enjoying your garden. Don't bother about Citronella oil or candles - useless!

    I hope this helps.

  4. I would do all the standard things everyone is suggesting for mosquito control around the home but with the creek nearby you might need to resort to getting a couple of mosquito traps to help control the population.

    Here's a review of the most popular brands:


    then look for bug repellents and there's also this thing that when you burn it it makes mosquitos die or repels them.

  6. First remove any standing water, rain gutters, the dishes under planters, bird baths, etc.  This is where mosquitoes breed. Talk to neighbors to do the same.

    Second, consider a mosquito trap for adult mosquitoes.

    Third, contact state or local agency for larvae control in the creek.

    Check the telephone book for your local agency.

  7. call the pest companyy

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