
What can I do about my Grandmother?

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My Grandmother recently moved in with us and I don't like being around her. I try to force myself to sit down and talk with her but she's so miserable that she ends up making me miserable. Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do?




  1. just put up with it trust me when she "leaves" u r going to miss her

  2. yea all old people are miserable

    just build your relationship with her y talking about stuff she like, no matter how boring

    and everything will be ok :)

  3. Look.  I totally get where you're coming from.  I had to live with my grandparents' for 4 years until I got my Uni degree, and it was a major pain in the ***.  This is the only advice I can offer you, and it is the fruit of my own experience :-P

    First off, I'd say you should put thing in perspective.  She's old, okay?  She can't be doing to brilliantly if she's had to just move in with you.  Another thing that never really hit me until I moved out was that, I bet you any money it's embarassing to them.  To old folk, I mean.  Would you like to be treated like a smelly, wrinkly person, with no future, with nothing to offer?  Personally, I don't like being written off a piece of ****.  And they're not actually dead yet, you know?  So...

    So, my advice is:  YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE HER.   Just be polite and considerate of her needs as much you can.  If you ever have a spare moment, yeah you could try hanging out with her for a wee bit.  But you don't have to.  Just... be kinda nice.  That's enough.  And if she brings you down 'cause she's takin' a trip down Memory Lane and there's nobody there to take that bloody stroll with her, you can give her a pat on the back or the hand and tell her she can tell you about it later- and just l e a v e.  Just don't be mean or rude to her.  But my point is (however badly put) that you don't have to like her or bond with her or any of that.

    Good luck with Gran.


  4. get her a nice big glass of anti-freeze. Or keep walking behind her and saying BOO!

  5. where is the love    try to understand what she is going though, health issuesor having to live with family  she used to be on her own ,  try walking in her shoes, learn to be patient and try to love her in her golden years

  6. find a tv show you both like. that way you feel good that you're spending time with her, but at the same time, you don't really have to talk. my grandmother and i watch monk together. it's a great show and you can always small talk about it later! good luck

  7. aw, I know that feeling..just like offer her food and help her out and maybe she'll smile or something..

  8. Give it time & give her space.

  9. ignore her, if she asks you questions give her yes or no answers avoid her .

  10. she is your family....but if she makes you miserable, just be nice and try to avoid her....

  11. hey bro she is your grandma

    love her man!!!!

    ok .......then ask here to leave

    or make her a house

  12. honestly the best thing u can do it stay away!

    eaiser said then done i know trust me! i sorta kinda live wth my gma and we used to be soo close and lately shes just became a ttotal bi**h between the deamon dog she got omg i hate that dog it dont listen or anything and when you say something about it shes gets all mad and leaves. all she does is yell and scream shes so mean and nasty i cant stand being around her i just been in my room lately the part that sucks is my lock dont work so im getting a new one thank god!  and she just walks in and i put a sign on my door that says "please knock first" and she still just walks in!and she tries to make me look like a b***h in front of my parents! it totally works on ym dad hes always getting mad at me but my mom is starting so see it. so basically jus hangout in ur room trust me best placee :) lmao got ur own comp in there? phone w. textingg? youll be finee haha i like live in my room :).

    hopee i helped youu!

  13. You don't deserve to have your grandmother around.  Obviously you are selfish and self centered.  so I suggest you keep yourself sequestered to your bedroom and don't bother coming out to be with the rest of the are obviously a major downer.

  14. try going on with whateever you would normaly do, she is your mothers mom not yours, let your mom deal with her and someday you get your chance when you mom moves in  with you and you have a daughter, kinda vicious cycle huh?

    or you could ask for a lot of money and she will ignore you

  15. Well,you could try and find out what's making her miserable and help her try to solve that problem.You should try and get along with her,the older someone is the more we should make time to listen to them because they hold a great deal of wisdom and maybe you both can chat and you'll find out the more in common you actually have,she probably thinks you hate her.Try to be genuinely nice and use body language,maybe even have a little drink before you chat with her,and if she is happier maybe you'll be happier and then your household will be somewhat better.

  16. Try getting the dirt out of her about your parent find out how truly menacing they were as children

  17. You hate your grandmother????? how heartless can you be??  well i'll try to be nice and help you. So anyway, my gradmum and i are uber close. we have tea and crumpets every weekend. maybe you should try that. dont let her bad mood get you in the dumps. help her,dont just run  away like the child you are.

    help please!!;...

  18. How about, you go and talk to her, but talk about something your interested in. I know you should normally talk about others, but grandmothers like to hear about their grandchildrens storys, so tell her a good funny story, and bond over smiles and laughs :)

  19. Okay, I have the SAME exact problem, except she doesn't live with us. Every time we visit she drives me crazy. What you should do is talk to your parents first. If they understand, they can talk to her for you. Otherwise, try to get on her good side, make her have a good time. Then she won't have this bad aurora around her. Maybe, watch a movie with her, or just talk about her past, when she was little.

    Hope I helped!

  20. Find something you both like. Try renting some old movies that you know she likes and that you like. Try the Wizard of Oz or anything with Shirley Temple or Lucille Ball. Get out a box of old photos from when your mom/dad were children and ask her to take a look at them and point out your relatives that you may not reconise. If all else fails, play checkers.

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