
What can I do about my cat ?

by  |  earlier

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We just started letting our kitten outside for an hour or so to let him get used to his surroundings-Well apparently someone took our cat to the Humane Society on the day we let him out....and now our local humane society wants 140 dollars for 4 days' of boarding and feeding him- They also said that there is a licensing fee of 50 bucks because he's not licensed.Is there anything I can do? I can't afford that fee and it looks like I will not be getting my cat back- The cat was within 50 yards of our home when he was taken to the pound.




  1. Did he have a collar and nametag? Pets won't be taken to the pound if it's obvious they aren't strays.

  2. Wow who would do that? I feel so bad for you. :-(

    Borrow the money from someone. Come on, you have to know SOMEONE who can pay at least part of the fee.  

    See, this is why I NEVER let my cats out.  

  3. Hi, Tiger.

    So sorry to hear that. DId you try to explain to them what happened.

    Otherwise, your only choice is to adopt the kitty.

    Good luck!


  4. that sucks, but they won't give it to you unless you pay. but at least if you do pay, you are supporting a good cause because your money goes to the other animals in the shelter that need food and whatnot.  

  5. Nothing you can do.  If he didn't have a collar on with a tag then you were stupid.  Our cat Muffin goes outside but we PUT HIM ON A LEASH!  Just like you would with a dog.  If you really cared about the cat and wanted him you'd find a way to get the money.  Pawn some jewelry, they do have pawn shops that you basically trade them the jewelry or whatever for money and then you have about 6 months to pay it back and you get back whatever you gave to them in exchange for the money.

    If you just leave him there for longer the bill is just going to get higher and WHAT THE h**l is a kitten doing outside by himself?  That's like saying you let your 2 year old child out by himself 50 yards from the house!

  6. ok thats messed up. comlpain!

  7. well, have you learned ur lesson?

    you should have made them into house cats.

  8. Well, First off, why did it take you four days to find him at the pound?  This should have been the first place you called when you found him missing.

    Did he have tags or a collar on?  Is he microchipped?  Any cat you allow outdoors, even supervised, needs to have ID or a good samaritan will take your cat and drop him off at the humane society, instead of calling the number on the collar.

    As for the fees and licensing, this sounds reasonable.  Your cat was caught off your property, without being licensed by the city, and the shelter has a program instated that requires you to pay the boarding fees.  All of this would have been posted, and easily found with a bit of research.  Cat licensing is not uncommon in towns and cities, and requiring a fee to reimburse the city for the cost of caring for your cat should be expected.  

    If you can't afford the fees, why not offer to volunteer at the humane society.  They probably need volunteers, and they might be lenient if you just ask them.  Maybe you might be able to talk them down to a lower price, but I suspect the shelter staff hear this argument day in and day out, so unless you can get the money, the cat will probably be put down or put up for adoption.

    I know this sounds harsh, but if your cat didn't have a collar with ID on it, and you never got him microchipped, than this type of situation is to be expected.  

  9. aww thats lame!!!!!!!!!

    well i think the only way to get him back is adopt him??

    or just pay the fee

  10. what country is this? i have never heard of a cat license, in USA. cats are usually allowed to roam, unlike dogs.

    was he on your property? who picked him up? are you sure you are talking to the humane society? not some scammer?

    if cat was on your property, i would accuse them of kidnapping. ask them where the kitten was found, who brought it in. i will bet it was your cat hating neighbor who snatched it.

    kittens will not wander far the first times they go out, they are too scared. it takes months for them to venture away  from the house. unless you live in the city and dont have a yard, someone had to come into your yard to get it.

    the cat was under your control.

    check with a lawyer, they give free consultations.

    try a letter to the editor about cat napping to raise money.

  11. Fundraise in the neighborhood. And spend a little to get it back

    I hope whoever got your cat into that gets a big punishment for that

  12. awww i love cats.. i feel bad.

    if i waas you i would find some way to pay for that cat..fundraising or something but  you cant fight the pound ; their part of the goverment!

    sorry but good luck getting you cat back ! (=

  13. Well what I would do is file a civil suit against the person who took the cat to the pound.  Make them pay the money to the pound to get your kitty back.

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