
What can I do about my child's weight?

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I have a happy, active 3 year old who eats healthy but is very overweight. We watch portion size and everything his puts in his mouth. He only fed by a grandparent, myself, and my spouse so he is not getting anything I don't know of, but he is steadily gaining weight. We've been to the pediatrician countless times and to a nutritionist, and they all ask what we are doing wrong. I don't know waht else to do!




  1. I think I would discuss this further with the doctor.  There could be some physical reason why he is gaining weight, especially if you're watching what you feed him.  Also, a sport might help.  I agree you need to get this under control now so he doesn't experience any issues from being overweight as he is growing.  Goodluck!

  2. involve him in a sport. they have soccer and t-ball at the YMCA for 3 year olds.

    if you can't get him involved in a sport here, just have you and your house play with him outside so that he can be active. play soccer, basketball, trampoline, swimming, swing set, park, etc.

    good luck and hope this helps!!!

  3. Take him to a different doctor and not trying to scare you, but have them do some blood tests, just in case. If you are concerned and the doctors are asking you what is wrong instead of trying to figure out something then you need different doctors. You are paying them to see your son and need some answers. YET, It just could be genetics. Genetics can do some strange, strange things! Praying everything is just fine! Watch, he may all of a sudden shoot up and be extremely tall for his age and his weight will even out.

  4. It sounds like it is way over due time to get a second opinion from a different pediatrician. I would recommend not seeing a doctor in the same clinic as the one you are now. I think nutritionist are only helpful when the child is "typical" and does not have any special needs for their diet (I have heard several stories from mothers where children were actually hospitalized because of advice from a well meaning nutritionist that did not know how to adapt a typical diet for a child with a special food need).

    My neighbor has a child that is 13 months old and wears (seriously) I size 4t. For her it is a hormone issue. There are many reasons this could be happening to your son that a pediatric specialist may be able to help you with however I would like to mention a family member that had a very obese son. This kid was just a literal butterball for the first 4 years of his life, then he hit school age and has been thinning out ever since. It happened over the course of several years. Now this kid is 17 years old, 6 foot 1, and thin. Could be the very same with your son but I would suggest you leave this pediatrician and get a second opinion.

    One more thing I would like to mention, my child's well meaning grandparent swore up and down that she was following our feeding rules but behind our backs thought a "husky" child was healthy and thought we were crazy for worry about his weight. So instead of telling us how she really felt, she later was caught on photographs feeding our child coca~a~cola, chocolate, cookies, and other such junk. Not just in one picture but in several. We finally figured it out when we walked in one day to her giving our 9 month old son pop. She claimed it was a one time deal but my sis (who would often pop in  for a visit during times my son was visiting his grandmother) agreed to take some pictures of grandma and grandson during food times without telling grandma it was for me. Sure enough, this grandparent who remembers hearing tales of the great depression was feeding our child all manner of bad foods at any given time. Needless to say, things had to change. Now, he is my only kid that craves pop...even still. He is almost 6. We never give it to him...ever. We are pretty sure that during the occasional family visit, grandma is still sneaking it and still swearing it's all a mistake.

  5. You need to be more persistent with his doctor. Or try several doctors until you feel satisfied. You are all he has, and it is up to you to get him on the right track.

  6. The child will grow longer and get slimmer.

  7. Put him in sports, there is 3 year old soccer teams, I know we coach them.

    Exercises is the key here, especially if food portioning is not working.

    My 4 year old is also overweight and I KNOW it is hard.

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