
What can I do about my current?

by Guest67185  |  earlier

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The filter is making a water-fall type splash back into the aquarium which I'm assuming is the current (it's too early to really think.)

My betta doesn't seem to like the current. At all. He stays on the side of the tank in which the filther nozzle-thing isn't pointing.

I was going to turn it some more so it's splashing right against the back glass but I'm worried the heated water won't distribute properly.

I have two other fish in with him at the moment and five more on their way. Two cory's and soon to be five neon tetra.




  1. Make sure you have your water level up as high as allowed.  You didn't mention what kind of filter, some of them have a way to adjust the flow.  If yours does, do that, if it doesn't, fill the water all the way to the top of the tank.  Good luck

  2. Just to add to what he others say, I doubt the distribution of the heated water would be a problem unless the tank is very large.

    But put the heater close to the bottom (vertical position) to be sure.

  3. Bettas are creatures of still waters - they live in rice paddies and slow-moving rivers. Either create a quiet spot for him or consider moving him to a different tank. Make sure the tank temperature is correct, too (at least 80 degrees F). By the way, having a little temperature gradient in the tank can be a good thing - each fish can choose the temp they prefer to hang out in.

    Corys and neons should be fine in flowing waters, and they also need warm temps.

    Good luck.

  4. How big is your tank ? If its a big tank its ok, Betas tend to like still water but some fish love a nice flow rate and play in the filter return. If its making too big of a wave just fill up the water more to the level where the return is almost at the level of the water and the current will be reduced. This will however reduce the oxygen flow into the tank but you should have a air pump making bubble's anyway despite your tank size. The best advice I can give you is RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. Always know the needs, feeding habits and general water parameters of your fish AT LEAST before you buy them. Your betta should be fine though cus he is used to small spaces and can breath air so even if he stays on that side of the tank he will live. Your major problem is going to be feeding because Betta's are picky eaters that in my experience don't like flake foods much.  Good Luck and don't add all those fish at once wait and you will be rewarded with fish that live and are healthy.  

  5. You can get some floating fake-type plants to attatch to your tank wall near the filter to minimize the current.

    And you may want to do some research on the neon tetras. They need more than 5 to survive well.

    I had my beta in the same tank as the neons, and the neons picked at his fins terribly! ( And DO NOT put Barbs in a community tank with guppies or a beta. Barbs will eat the fins off the pretty ones.)

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