
What can I do about my employer?

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The place I work for is awful. 3 years ago it was a good place to work (or maybe I was just naive)... but now, it is h**l!

FIrst of all, the boss is an A.S.S! He likes to ***** at us waitresses if we are "gossiping" but he does it ALL the time! Last night, I was sticking up for on of the girls he was talking about and he flipped out on me; he told me to "Shut the F*CK up!" and to stop gossiping (when I hadn't said a word to anyone except him). He is a hypocrite to say the least...

He teases me a lot too. It is like I'm in high school again middle school even... wtf? Teases me about being short, ummm makes up dumb nicknames...if I make a simple mistake, he doesn't let it go, like it is a HUGE deal and calls me stupid or an idiot. He seems to have a short temper when he is in a bad mood. Kinda makes me feel uncomfortable when he is mad. (I'm 5'1 and he is like 6'6 so it's intimidating) and he knows it so he tries to use that to his advantage.

Plus, he has dated a few of the waitresses. One a few years ago, and one right after that who now makes the schedule (although they broke up)... If the person he is sleeping with doesn't like you, then you're screwed...

Also, he "claims" our tips for us. When you waitress, you are supposed to claim your own tips with a signed statement, but instead, he automatically assumes we make enough in tips for min wage.

In the month of August, I think we have had at least 3 girls quit. No one wants to put up with his S**t... If I didn't need a job, I would walk out of there...

He doesn't even care that I am in college right now... He told me to get my priorities straight (i.e. he thinks I should either work every day or go to school, not both)... he thinks that everyone should want to work 7 days a week... and when I'm in school I can barely manage 2 days working...

It's not like it's a big company... just a family owned restaurant...

So, is there anything I can do? Obviously, quit... (I'm trying... looking for another job currently)... but, other than that, can I report him somewhere? Thanks!




  1. You can turn in your boss for "claiming" your tips and you can sue him for sexual harrassment.  But is it worth the time and money?  Will it truly give you satisfaction?  If not, find another job with better working conditions.  

  2. It sound to me that you have a law suit on your hands. You can sue your job for sexual Harassment.

  3. Report him to the labor department in your state. This jerk is on a power trip. He's not a true leader. Find another job!!  Good luck.

  4. This sounds like a lot of restaurants.  All employers want the job to be the number one priority.  They don't care if you have school or not.  They just want you there making the restaurant more money.

    Is there anyone higher than him you can complain to? Like the gm or the owner?

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