
What can I do about my mean sister?

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I know a lot of people ask how to get revenge on their siblings, but that's not what I want. I need a way to ignore my younger sister, I literally can't take her anymore. Every-time I see her she says something really mean and then I start crying and she laughs at me. I'v tried staying away from her, but all she does is follow me, and say more mean things. Every time I try and tell my parents what she does, she all ways denies it and gets away with it because she's younger. Can anyone help me with this problem?




  1. She is just going through a phase. She is probably trying to get your attention by being mean. Try spending more time with her so she won't feel neglected. Good luck  

  2. steal ur parents money and runaway, thats all i can tell u

  3. what i say is get her on a tape recorder thats what i with my little brother and more all i have to do is say he'll get in trouble because he got in really deep trouble for saying it maybe the same will be the same for you good luck

  4. I agree with dee get evidence somehow. Or you could just tell her to stop and if that doesnt work just say something really mean about her

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