
What can I do about my neighbors?

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My neighbors daughter and my daughter are the same age and good friends, they have known each other since they were 5, we lived in this house a few years ago and just moved back about 11 months ago, 3 days ago our neighbor called the cops and said my husband had whistled at their daughter (which I know is a lie because he went straight to bed after I picked him up from work) and I was at home the whole time, now I'm afraid that they are telling people lies about my husband and what that may do to my daughter, they go to the same school and I just know that my neighbor is going to start rumors with the the other parents, my husband loves kids and would never hurt a child, he hates people that hurt children more than anything, can I sue them for slander if they start spreading rumors? oh and my neighbors husband drinks alot and has a criminal record and my husbands record is clean except for traffic tickets




  1. Guilty people always accuse others to take the attention away from themselves. This sounds like a prime example of that. If your husband's reputation is intact, I'm sure it won't be destroyed by the likes of these folks.  As for any rumors that might start... you find out who your friends are, and who you can really trust, when stuff like that gets started. There's not much you can do about it, but stand your ground and hold onto your honor and integrity amidst the slander. It sounds to me like the parents of your daughters friend may have some other issues besides the obvious and are trying to turn the attention away from themselves. I would be very cautious of them.

  2. You need a mediator

  3. I suggest you try talking to these people, if possible. See why they are saying these things. If that doesn't get you anywhere then you should talk to a lawyer. Don't bring up anything you know about them, that could back-fire. If you haven't already, you should talk to your daughter and tell her what is going on. That way she'll be prepared for things she may hear.

    Good Luck with this.  

  4. Your should see a mediator or a solicitor, or move house.

    If that's not an option, just knock on the door and be upfront with them, if they insist you've done something wrong then apologize, (even if you've done nothing) at least they will be at peace with you.

  5. If there hasn't been further contact then just lie low.  Maybe the whole thing will just blow over and you won't have to have contact with them.  Is your daughter aware of the situation?  I got a feeling the other neighbors and parents already know these parents can be confrontational so I wouldn't worry about the rumors.  Acting as if you don't care will show that the truth is on your side and you have nothing to worry about.  Trying to get even or sue will only blow this into a bigger deal.

  6. I would go and talk to the neighbour first.. and tell them this is not true. Quite apart from that a whistle is not sexual harrassment at all. Maybe he was whistling when he was out there but not at the neighbours daughter.. if the neighbours continue to spread lies, you have to sue them for slander but try the neighbourly approach first, because if this goes to court it will have a very negative effect on the atmosphere as neighbours and your daughter will suffer because she will lose a friend..  xx

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