
What can I do about my people snooping through my personal information/belongings?

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I'm an almost-21-year-old college student who lives at home during the summer (because its free). However, my mom has this disgusting habit of looking through my stuff when I'm gone, sometimes throwing it away, and all without my permission. I'll come home from work to see my credit card bills opened, clothes in the trash, important documents out of order, etc. No matter how much I tell her to stop or what measures I go through, she keeps prying into things I ask her not to. Is there anything I can do about this (other than move out, which I'm doing next month)? I know for a fact that opening my mail was a federal offense. I don't want her serving jail time or anything, but its causing me severe emotional and mental distress that I don't have any privacy or respect, and there's nothing I can do about it (as far as I know)




  1. move out!!!!! asap thats the price of living there free

  2. No one is going to prosecute a mom for opening her kid's mail in her home.

    Time to move out.  That's how millions have solved this problem before you.

  3. Sometimes people are a pain in the ash but they will never know that they are even you tell them a million times.

    i still believe in "do unto to others what you want them do to you"

    try doing things to here just like what she's doing to you. do it intentionally that she will get annoyed but you should know the limitation.

  4. Go through her stuff.

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