
What can I do about my roommate?

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My new roomate brought with her many stuff in boxes she leaves some of the boxes outside her room along with dirty shoes. The problem is that her doo opens directly to the front door. And and it does not look clean at all. I am embarassed when I have visitors. What can I do. I understand that she has rights because she also pays rent, but still...




  1. You need to be assertive. In order for this relationship to work as roomates she needs to respect your wishes and you need to respect hers. You all need to compromise on things but she will not know what bothers you until you clearly express your concerns. You need to be blunt and tell her. Hey you know ive noticed that your shoes have been sitting here in this box for awhile. I thought this was a tamporay thing but it is not an attractive place because when WE have visitiors it makes OUR house look unclean.

  2. ask her politely to pick up her **** or you will move it for her permanently

  3. Next time you have people over (and arrange for it to be soon) say something like, "Do you mind moving your things? I have people coming over and I want it to look really nice." She probablly won't mind at all. Then when it's gone, say something like "Oh the hallways looks so much better, thanks!"

  4. Try to speak with her first.

    Maybe she will listen.

    But if she doesn't, you still have the right to your own clean, and nice environment. Try to talk with the owner, and maybe the case will be settled.

  5. You need to sit down with her and make some rules. Try not to be too confrontational, but as adults that live together, you need to make it as comfortable a living situation as possible. If putting things in writing is easier, do that. Or just an adult conversation as to rules in the mutual areas of the apartment might work. Better to address the situation right away before it gets out of hand.

  6. You should talk to her about it, if shes a reasonable person im sure she wont mind dealing with the boxes.

    i guess it also depends on how long the boxes have been there for?

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